Monday, June 24, 2013

While we're on the subject ...

VERY important reading. Even if you think you don't care, or you're not doing anything wrong.

This was published by Eric Limer on Gizmodo, 22, June, 2013.  Don't be afraid, read it!


My Pericles quote on the sidebar is apropo.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Obama's hit list?

They say President Obama has a hit list and those people on it disappear. 
We thought he was Barack Obama until he emerged as George Bush. Seemingly following along in the wake of the Bush/Cheney regime. 
What does all this mean?
Here's an easy conspiracy theory for you. 

Michael Hastings
Journalist Michael Hastings, working for Buzzfeed, wrote a report about General Stanley McChrystal, the Runaway General, commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force in the Afghanistan war, in which Michael documented the widespread contempt McChrystal and his staff had for civilian officials in the US government. 
The story resulted in the general's forced resignation. Hastings also had much to say about General David Petraeus and his affair with Paula Broadwell as well as his conduct of the war in Iraq. 

He has also written about CIA operatives, killer drones and said he had received death threats from a former member of McChrystal's staff, who allegedly said, 'We'll hunt you down and kill you if we don't like what you write."

Just before he died, he told a friend that the FBI was investigating him. (the FBI denies this)

So one night, about 4:30 am. Michael Hastings aged only 33, died in his Mercedes as it apparently crossed the center line of a road and hit a tree, resulting in a flaming wreck! The car engine was hurled from the car. Hastings body was burned beyond recognition. 

Conspiracy to stop Michael's investigations and shut out the truth?

You decide.

A side note: during the Iraq war, over 47 independent war journalists died. Many of friendly fire or killed in firefights by US mercenary contractors. No so-called embedded reporters died.

addenda: It is just revealed that the NSA can now hack your CAR! I assume through your 'little black box' which is similar to what aircraft have and has your GPS coordinates telling 'someone' exactly where you were and what you were doing, and how fast you were going when you crashed. (EVERY new car now has one) Is this what happened to Michael Hastings? Is this why there was such a horrific fire after the crash of his new Mercedes? To destroy evidence? Hmm.

Shocking huh? 
Black box - Forbes magazine

Friday, June 21, 2013

Your Personal Web

I wanted to tell you about my web browser and how, through managing the settings of it, I hope to have a little privacy on my web meanderings. 
But first ....

We have the huge furor right now of the NSA and other secretive agencies monitoring and reading your private files, searches and web activity. Unless you live on another planet you know about this. You can't call mother-in-law a bitch in an email to your sister without the possibility it could come back to haunt you! Just like she haunts your marriage! 

So because of these NSA scandals, various talking heads, political and even military are saying it ain't so. Reassuring?  No.
Usually, on careful listening, you'll hear these experts tell you they need a court order to listen in to your phone chat. But that court order is obtained from a SECRET court. (FISC) And it may be true, but no reporter I have watched zeros in to the differences between a phone chat and web searches, emails, social media posts, blogs or other internet activity. 
My understanding is that under the Patriot Act, FISA, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the NSA or Homeland Security need NO court order or warrants to read whatever you do on the internet through your web servers. And your ISP, under that post 9/11 law, MUST turn over data to them and CANNOT tell you that you have been inquired about.

[And this makes one wonder if SIRI users are under scrutiny without a warrant to their voice messages because they go to a cloud base for decryption into digital and text before forwarding to the intended recipient. So it is no longer a phone voice message, but text, and subject to peeking without that legality?] 

There are several choke points on the World Wide Web in North America that virtually ALL information travels through. And in virtually all of those points, a certain government agency has installed splitters that siphon off copies of everything going through the web. To and from virtually everywhere in N.A. and beyond.
So your Facebook posts, Tweets, emails, websites, searches and everything else you do while connected are available for scrutiny. This is what the panic is all about from Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Verizon, AT&T, et al. These companies have been made to look like they are betraying your privacy. Why? Because their search engines store whatever you search for, and browsers record and store whatever you do on the web. Like where you go. How often, how long you stay there, and perhaps what forms or info you pass into that website. All browsers do it and it remains on their servers.

Is there any hope of keeping your web thoughts and travels private? Maybe a little. So to get back to the settings feature of the Chrome web browser, and others, you CAN change a few settings so the movement of your info is not under automatic review.

In Chrome,  they want you to sign up and sign in to see your page as do Microsoft and Firefox. By having a home page, your interests are revealed as you set it up. I know, you have nothing to be afraid of, you're not a terrorist. But you can use the speed of Chrome without having a home page. Signing up is the usual process of telling them everything. 

Look at the settings in the Chrome browser - 

Sign in - just don't.
On startup - your choice.
Appearances - do you really need a theme eating up bandwidth? The others are your choice.
Search - now we get critical - You can set your preferred search engine here, from Google, Bing, Yahoo, CNN etc. And under Manage Search Engines, you can add any other search you would like to use. Two that are secure, are ixquick, and DuckDuckGo. To add either of these or others to the mix, you need to put in the correct URL for them. These two search engines, simply do not store your search requests, and should they be asked to reveal them, they have nothing to share with anyone who may be interested.  (in contrast, you may have searched two years ago for something on Google and it could be still there!)
The key to a secure website is the https:// instead of the http://.

Users - this goes to whomever you were when you first downloaded and started the browser. In the case of a PC and Apple, your Microsoft Internet Explorer and Safari were already there, with settings. And you should have lied to begin with. Your true information and identity is NOT necessary for you to surf the web. You COULD delete the present user and do a whole new one. A nom de guerre if you like, a safe pseudonym. (But remember that you do have a unique ISP number) However you can change the default settings in MSIE and Safari easily.
Default browser - up to you, might as well be this one if you are making all these changes. 
Privacy - ah, this is the one, look at those buttons. Content Settings are more about cookies. You could disable the setting of cookies but that would be a hassle and slow down everything. Better to instruct your browser on what to do and the search facility NOT to save anything. 
But the buttons below could betray you too, they are probably already checked. Use a web service to resolve navigation errors, you are basically sending out your search requests to a third party, who then CAN save it somewhere. Same with prediction service and automatically send usage statistic to Google. Really?

I only have Enable phishing and malware protection checked.

Passwords and forms - Wow, did you ever fill out a job application on the web? Mmm juicy information probably still on your ISP server!  (if you have your own domain name, you can go to your host and see the info)
Further down we have HTTPS and SSL. And investigation of this one leads to a part where the words authority and trust are used a lot. Well I never trust authority, so you probably need someone smarter to tell you what these actually do. But keep in mind that the programmers who invented all these inherent programs were only trying to help you have a seamless web experience. Nothing nefarious. It's only that others could use the information too. And do.
Google Cloud Print - Well, it seems to me that the whole idea of so called cloud computing has come under suspicion with the latest revelations on surveillance and monitoring. I can't believe that companies trust their private information outside of their own computers, just to use the newest program updates. And companies must now consider that if leaks to media can happen for ideological reasons, then leaks to other companies can happen for money.
System - UNcheck that first box, that says continue running background apps when browser is closed unless you want your computer still doing stuff even when you're back to your FreeCell game.  

So. You're not a terrorist, you have nothing to hide. You're not in the 80% of web users who surf porn. You have no opinion about HSBC laundering crime money. It's only your crazy Uncle Harry who sent you a note that could incriminate you about believing two planes could crash on the same day without leaving crash evidence. And when you searched for IMDB as the Internet Movie DataBase and you typoed BDSM by mistake, you got out of there right away though, didn't you? Well, didn't you?

Wait, you say you joined facebook a year ago? OMG, forget everything above and just go hide under your bed.  Too late for you.

NSA's Utah data center
And none of this will help you if 'they' come looking for you. Maybe give you enough time to get out the back door and halfway down the lane .... Michael Hastings never had a chance.

Try not to scream, you'll wake all those other people who have nothing to hide and are sleeping peacefully.


You need to download any of these and install into your browser -

ixquick safe search

startpage search 

You need to go here to scare yourself -

NSA cyberspying

Utah spy center

Tell Canada to quit spying on you! Sign here ...


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Conspiracy? No no NSA!

Here's the way some people think. 

The US uses Seal Team VI to go into Pakistan to get Osama bin Laden. They fly in with stealth helicopters, storm the compound and find Osama watching TV and kill him. That's their story and they're sticking to it.
There are pictures of some guy with his back to you placidly watching TV, probably American Idol. The guy in the pic seems to be the same photo double they used a couple of years ago to impersonate bin Laden. Not many people believe the picture was of him then and don't now.
And many believe that if they did get bin Laden in a sneaky raid there would be hundreds of pictures to document the operation. Pictures of the dead terrorist, the house, other rooms with communications tech from what is said to be a Command Center. Maybe even a pic of some of the medical equipment he needed to enable his regular dialysis. 

bin Laden or been wrong again?
Then the stealth team buries the body at sea in another secret operation, to prevent martyrism of the burial site of course. Again no pictures. 

Seal Team VI is celebrated, along with President Obama, for getting the world's most wanted terrorist. Mission accomplished, to use a familiar Presidential line.
Except, that a lot of folks believe President Clinton had already killed Osama bin Laden in Tora Bora several years ago when he sent cruise missiles into the caves the Saudi Prince was supposedly hiding in! 
No one heard or saw a reliable sign of bin Laden since that targeted raid. In spite of the picture of that fat-head guy posing as Osama a few years later when the need to keep the bogey man alive became evident and they tried to make a credible video.  

So now come the revelations about NSA snooping. And we have one family who had a son on Seal Team VI. This family says they criticized the military for the loss of 38 lives and Seal Team VI soldiers (including their son) in a very suspicious helicopter crash in Afghanistan. That criticism resulted in them being targeted and surveilled by NSA. So they are suing the US Government.

The alleged surveillance violated the plaintiffs' right of freedom of association by making them and others weary and fearful of contacting other persons and entities via cell phone out of fear of the misuse of government power and retaliation against these persons and entities who challenge the misuse of government power. To paraphrase the reasons for their lawsuit.

Remember that only your telephone communications need a court order, the Patriot Act already covers your email and other internet activities, without a court order, and in its wisdom, forbids your ISP to even TELL you you have been scrutinized by the NSA, under penalty of law. So Verizon, for instance, HAS to give out information about you while keeping the very inquiry secret from you. 

So haven't we seen this scenario in TV gangster movies hundreds of times? The bad guys get other bad guys to kill someone, then we learn they never trusted the perpetrator bad guys not to eventually talk and so they engineer their deaths too. 
Neat and tidy, dead men don't talk. Or point fingers. Or write books. Or whistleblow. Or testify.

The trouble is they're all supposed to be the good guys!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sea Change

People change. You go this way, then something happens and you now go that way. This is especially odd in politics. Mostly a lot of people just vote endlessly (aimlessly?) for whatever political bent they embrace. Republicans and Democrats do this a lot in spite of how their chosen government acts in day to day business. They don't see the nuances of right and wrong. Those are sheeple. They don't judge by the action of the day, they have the faith. Misplaced or not. 

But yes there is a huge portion of the voting public who watches the goings on of government and although they might have voted for that party last year, they grow to disagree with the direction of the people they voted for.

This is what I believe is happening to Barack Obama right now. "Yes we can." the famous motto of Barack, has become 'Yes we will', whether you like it or not. 

The first time this change happened to me was during the terrible Gulf of Mexico oil spill. BP (British Petroleum) and CEO Tony Hayward lied continually about what was spilling. Obama was in the news daily but only accepted the desperate PR spin of the BP executives and the inability of the International oil company in stopping the oil for 87 days as it destroyed the sea bed of the Gulf of Mexico. Which may be an expanding dead spot for hundreds of years. No one is inspecting that spill today to see if the rumors are true of it still leaking. 

The problem for me, was that when the TV news media hired speed boats for a closer look at the oil rig, they were kept away at gun point by BP security in gun boats! Because this was not a company issue, but an international incident, I expected that Obama would simply bristle and send in the US Navy with a submersible to look at what was really happening down there. But BP got away with it. 
The most powerful nation on Earth was sent packing. Obama's body language at the time was showing defeat every day. Sort of the same thing that Colin Powell did in the UN before the invasion of Iraq when he declared Saddam Hussein had WMDs! We could all see that he didn't believe in his own words. It was PR directed from the CIA and he was simply chosen as the messenger. 
All during the BP spill I expected Obama to just take over BP oil interests in America because of the lies and damages!  I know, I know, I'm told you can't do things like that. International business etc. But it would only have to be done once, wouldn't it. 
And to top it all off and shove it in our faces, BP was approved to drill more offshore wells! 

So GITMO is still open, and prisoners in Cuba are still known as 'detainees' even though some have been there for six years or longer! Obama promised to close the prison and have the inmates presented in American courts to face democratic justice. What America stands for. And to stop torture, which now goes on in secret facilities off American soil. 'Extraordinary Rendition', it is called, which is the apprehension and transfer of a person abducted from one country and sent to another country which allows torture, for interrogation by US authorities. Started under George Bush and continued under Barack Obama. 
Hard to face but America is no longer a democracy upholding justice. 

So now we have drone warfare going on in the Middle East. Exercised with impunity by America on foreign soil. Which is spreading to North America. Local Sheriffs are beginning to use drones for surveillance and information gathering on US soil! Always with the rider, 'to protect us.'  Will it be long until they are armed too? The question has become, Who are we being protected FROM?

We have had huge banks, too big to fail, get away with ripping off billions of dollars from their depositors. All with impudence and arrogance. HSBC even laundered drug money and knew when they were doing it!  Did anyone go to jail? No. President Obama just takes to the TV screen and speaks in his stentorian voice about the economy or something else. 

This all falls into the argument that the President of the United States, the supposedly most powerful man in the World, has no power whatsoever, and only does as he is told. 

And right now, people all around the world are beginning to rebel against Monsanto. Because of the genetic engineering of food products. Country after country is banning the use of their GMO seeds. And we have the Deputy Director of the FDA, Michael Taylor, a former executive of Monsanto, planning future food safety! And a bill was passed in the US senate, nicknamed the Monsanto Protection Act, which prevents anyone from suing Monsanto because of negative effects of consuming Monsanto grown GMO foods! 

And on and on. And yes we could go on, but it seems to boil down to what we suspected, that someone visits new presidents, and simply tells them what it is going to be, sort of like Tony Soprano walking into your new restaurant and telling you what percentage he will be getting from your daily take. 

Something is not right, we all know it now. But the change is that the Democratic Barack Obama is turning out to be a failure when we hoped for so much more. 
He changed one way, and many of those who voted for him changed another. It's an ebb tide. 

The BP oil spill and the ensuing actions signaled a sea change to corporate superiority over government. 

And the USA IS now a nation in distress .... but nothing a juicy little war wouldn't help.

The only thing constant, is change.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Monsanto 3

Mainstream media coverage? NO!

May 2013. Two million protesters. Rallies and marches held in 436 cities in 52 countries! Still no mainstream news coverage, ask yourself why?

The #MarchAgainstMonsanto - A portrait of rebellion from around the world. #MAM #OpMonsanto

Why not? Isn't this news?

Monsanto Two

UNbelievable ..... You are being cheated by the ones who are supposed to be looking out for you!

These people should be in shame, they are making fools of the rest of us. Keep the groundswell going that is well underway in Europe and Asia. 

Monday, May 20, 2013


partial reprint of an article by David Swanson

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been taken over by an outside organization. The organization is called Monsanto. Monsanto is, of course, the world's largest biotech corporation.  These are the people who brought us Roundup weed killer and the resulting superweeds and superbugs, along with growth hormones for cows, genetically engineered and patented seeds, PCBs, and Agent Orange, which Monsanto now wants us to use as herbicide on genetically engineered corn and soybeans. 

This chemical company - responsible for environmental disasters that have destroyed entire towns, and a driving force behind the international waves of suicides among farmers whose lives it has helped ruin - 
has monopolized our food system largely by taking over regulatory agencies like the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A recent study links Roundup to autism, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.   

While Hungary has just destroyed all Monsanto genetically engineered corn fields, and Peru has also banned GM seeds, the USDA takes an entirely different approach toward the chemical giant. The USDA has, in fact, never denied a single application from Monsanto for new genetically engineered crops.  Not one.  Not ever.

Monsanto's growth hormones for cows have been approved by Michael Taylor, a former Monsanto lobbyist turned USDA administrator and FDA deputy commissioner.  This was after Margaret Miller, again, a former Monsanto employee, oversaw a report on the hormones' safety and then took a job at the FDA where she approved her own report.

Islam Siddiqui, another former Monsanto lobbyist, wrote the USDA's food standards, allowing corporations to label irradiated and genetically engineered foods as "organic."
Genetic use restriction technology, colloquially known as "terminator technology", produces plants that have sterile seeds. If put into use, these seeds prevent farmers from implementing the age-old basic farming method of planting seeds they harvest, requiring them to repurchase seed for every planting, because the terminator seeds are sterile! 

The recently passed and signed law nicknamed the Monsanto Protection Act strips federal courts of the power to halt the sale and planting of genetically engineered crops during a legal appeals process.  The origin of this act can be found in the USDA's deregulation of Roundup Ready sugar beets in violation of a court order.  The USDA argued that any delay would have caused a sugar shortage, since Monsanto holds 95% of the market. 

Monsanto's board members have worked for the EPA, advised the USDA, and served on President Obama's Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. Clearly, an investigation of large-scale government corruption by this singularly destructive corporation is long overdue. Why do the people need to hold protest marches against these kinds of company dealings? How can the USDA fall down to endangering people instead of looking after them? 

Is this just one more step in the Government versus the People movement? Can anyone in Government explain this? Why is the mainstream media not asking the questions? It's not just the hippies protesting anymore, it is the people. YOU are the people, and you need to be heard.

Be afraid folks. It is all true. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Is anyone running anything?

We just had two terrorists caught by the RCMP charged with conspiracy to blow up a Via Rail train. 
And it turns out now that Canada tried to deport one of them in 2004, Raed Jaser. Of course the operative words is tried. 

Jaser was arrested in August 2004 after authorities issued a warrant for his removal from Canada. He was allegedly working illegally and had used numerous aliases.

Jaser was born in the United Arab Emirates, but when he had a deportation hearing, he said he was a stateless Palestinian in his refugee application, so couldn`t be deported anywhere. Jaser came to Canada with his parents and two brothers in March 1993, flying into Toronto's Pearson Airport from Germany, where the family says it faced persecution. He came into Canada on false French documents.

Unlike his parents and siblings, Raed Jaser was unable to obtain Canadian citizenship because of criminal convictions, including acts of fraud in 1997 and unspecified offences in 2001, according to immigration records. But he had nowhere else to go and appeared to want to remain in Canada.
Jaser staved off deportation and become a permanent resident of Canada.

We heard the usual comment from other Muslims. “It’s a shock, actually,” worshippers from his mosque told news media, “It’s really a shock because you don’t expect a Muslim, a person from Islam -- which means peace -- to be doing those kind of things.”

I beg your pardon, but methinks the perception among non muslims is that we DO expect them to be involved in terror plots, as they are all around the world. Who else bombs things on a regular basis?

And one wonders what part CSIS has played, if any, in this arrest of two potential bombers in our midst?

So the impression left with many observers of Canada's political workings, is that no one is actually doing anything to protect the law abiding citizens in this country from terrorist infiltration because we are far too lenient and soft and acquiescent to the whims of illegal immigrants, and gullible to accept their lies.

Perhaps we need some extraordinary action in these circumstances, like simply forgetting our soft courts and the cost of trying to deport terrorist threats out of Canada. We should just get our JTF2 guys to kidnap the man, put him on a plane, give him a parachute, put a boot to his back over Israel or the winter Atlantic or hyena country in Kenya, and shove him out the door. 

In case you didn`t get it, these guys were here to KILL us!

Make sure there`s a hole in that chute.

Fast. Efficient. Correct and time and cost effective for the taxpayers of Canada. 

 Addenda - Immigration Minister says he will review rules on deportation now.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

MI-5 and Police catch terrorists.

Four men have been jailed in a home-made bomb plot case in Britain. 

The four were arrested in April 2012 and pleaded guilty at Woolwich Crown Court to engaging in preparation for acts of terrorism. The court heard that the young men had arranged terrorism training in Pakistan, debated obtaining weapons and how best to raise funds for their plans. 

The judge said: "In each of their cases, their persistent commitment to terrorist activity, in a number of different ways, over a significant period of time and, in each case, their willingness to take practical steps to obtain terrorist training abroad, marks them out as particularly dangerous.  
This, coupled with the fact that, after their houses had been searched, and they were obviously under serious suspicion, they nonetheless continued to access material consistent with the mindset which informed their previous preparatory activities, persuades me that they continue to be 'dangerous' to such a degree that I should exercise my discretion to pass an extended sentence."

Zahid Iqbal, 31; Mohammed Sharfaraz Ahmed, 25; Umar Arshad, 24; and Syed Farhan Hussain, 21; all from Luton, admitted discussing a possible attack on the town's Army base. 

The four smiled and giggled as the court was played recordings of conversations in which they discussed travelling to Pakistan for terror training, buying guns and making explosives.
They discussed how to make a homemade bomb, based on instructions available in an English-language jihadist magazine. Yes I get it too, how could there even BE a magazine like that? 

Their conversations were secretly recorded in an intelligence led joint counter-terrorism  police - MI5 operation into the movement of individuals from the UK to Pakistan "for extremist purposes linked to al-Qaeda."

Their target was a Territorial Army base and the plan was to send in a bomb in a toy car under the gate. 

The police or MI-5 would not comment on when and how they first came under suspicion.

 I wonder what MI-5s first clue was?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Vote for me?

I want your vote, Quebec? There were NO Canadian
flags at the 2013 NDP convention in Montreal.

I want your vote, Canada. overkill in red?
But the convention was in Ottawa, not Montreal.


Only blue skies ahead? Who's kidding who?

My federal vote choice was just depleted again?

Or has it? There are plenty of choices left! All of which give you about the same voice as shouting 'Help!' in Canada's Arctic. The echo might be a polar bear, unless they're extinct already, at least you can be confidant of providing the poor bear with a warm meal.

Depressing, isn't it?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Just wondering .... ?

I'm wondering why the US Department of Homeland Security, would need to buy 1.6 BILLION rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets
They ordered paper targets too. Like, sure we believe they're going to be used for training. Hollow point is way too expensive to use for paper potshots. Hollow point ammo has been outlawed in war since 1899, because it is designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage! These bullets don't just go through you, they tear you apart from the inside.

DHS also wants to buy 750 million rounds of 357 mag able to penetrate walls.  They are also buying Kevlar helmets and riot gear and bullet proof checkpoint booths. And many of these are 'no bid' contracts. Like the new 5 year, $4.5 million contract with Heckler and Koch, and they followed that up with literally the same deal with Sig Sauer Arms. Some contracts are even classified to conceal the facts. Others estimate that 2 billion rounds are enough to wage a 20 year war ....  in America!

And here's an odd one, the National Weather Service is also buying 46,000 rounds of hollow points. Are they going to shoot the clouds? These are .40 jacketed hollow point bullets, noted for their strength. Hmm.

AR 15
Back to Homeland Security. So they have purchased almost 2 billion rounds of ammunition now, and that's not all; they added 7000 assault rifles last fall. Do you feel more secure? Are they worried about Ted Nugent coming after them? All he probably wants is to know if it's gonna rain next week for his cookout!  And at least some of those millions of rounds are frighteningly designated as 'sniper' rounds.

And there's an argument that the government is showing its hypocrisy by essentially saying AR15s (aka M16 or M-4 military) are good 'personal defense' weapons for them, while not for American citizens. When civilians own semi-automatic rifles, they somehow become “assault weapons.” Isn't this exactly what those NRA guys keep telling us?

Hmm. Even such staid institutions like Forbes Magazine is wondering if we need to talk about this sudden armament of a US Government agency, have a 'national conversation', they say. Yet you can't find a word in the Main Stream Media. And that's another big HMM.

MRAP armored fighting vehicle
We're told by some that the federal government is stockpiling bullets in preparation for 'civil unrest.' One wonders what the unrest will be about? One wonders what would trigger a mass civil unrest?

But don't you worry, rumor is that they have bought 2700 armored MRAP fighting vehicles too, and they'll make you feel safe. Look, you can ever see the word, 'Rescue' on them. Hoping you won't notice the gun ports. This is not your Dad's Rambler station wagon. And Eddie Murphy won't be stuffing bananas up those tailpipes. What's scary is that these vehicles were designed for Afghanistan, but are to be used in the streets of America. Perhaps along with those mini drones hunting with thermal imaging technology and RPGs.

I feel a little unresty.

Does the word DEpopulation mean something to you?

Just wondering.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Zeitgeist. Grass roots truth?

If you want to watch contrived fiction, go to the theater for your dose of mindless entertainment or propaganda where the good guys always win or love blossoms in the end. Or settle into your sofa to watch TV about mind sinking people like the Kardashians, or swamp guys or censored sitcoms. Or baseball. Make popcorn. But don't think.

Yet if you lean to wondering about what your world is coming to, you just might want to take the time to see a film by Peter Joseph, called Zeitgeist available free to view on YouTube. Maybe it'll make you think. Something which, after seeing this movie, you might consider dangerous. But it just might prod you into asking questions. 

The movie by Peter Joseph is going around a lot right now. I watched it. Some of it replicates the film, Loose Change, a documentary about 9/11 also freely available on the web. (Loose Change is the number one viewed film on YouTube, with Zeitgeist number two.) And if Zeitgeist makes you ask one question, or do your own research into that question, to seek your own answer, it can only be good.

Zeitgeist is a great word. It seems to imply deep philosophical thinking, as if Nietzsche was involved or something. And we look for some Freudian explanation. Zeitgeist seems to emerge from a today-time of turmoil or despair in humanity. Zeitgeist means a spirit of the age and is the current intellectual fashion or dominant school of thought among a certain demographic that typifies and influences the culture of a particular period in time. The time is now. 
But you might even have to be brave to watch this one, the good guys aren't winning, it is not mindless entertainment, no screaming teenagers here, no comforting conclusion, but perhaps it is mindful entertainment that challenges your beliefs. Instigates a world consciousness. Forces you to think. 
If you can do that, be brave and watch. 

You might also watch this interview with Peter Joseph, who is a thinker about society in the mode of Julian Assange with an innate brilliance. - Peter Joseph interview

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dumb Down TV

Gypsy Sisters, Big Bang Theory, The Bachelor, Access Hollywood, Yes to the Dress, How I Met Your Mother, Real Housewives of Wherever, TMZ, Duck Dynasty, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, Faster Than a Redneck?, Monday Nite RAW, UFC, Pawn Stars, Hogs Gone Wild, Swamp People, Mike and Molly, Storage Wars, The Office, etc etc ad nauseum. 
Inanity and infinity are in the same direction, you get there by clicking your remote. Don't miss the turn or you might find insanity.

Is there any doubt there is a conspiracy to 'dumb down' North America? The conspiracy is not the people out here believing in something strange going on. It is somewhere in there causing the strange to go on!

 But whatever, something strange IS going on.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Another leak of YOUR info.

Google now publishes figures about who is asking for what regarding your information. In the first instance, a few years ago, they defied the government saying they needed proper warrants to release information. 
But one assumes they have been 'got to' like so many others, not to mention that the Patriot Act requires social media and others to pass on information about their clients at the threat of the law. And it is none of your business that they asked about you.
Interesting to see some figures here. Make note of the actual warrants.

Their transparency report is interesting, read it ....


Perhaps you should be careful about what you are saying in the public domain on social media? The powers that be needn't ask or get warrants for your Facebook info, YOU are putting it out there yourself!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

BC Services Card

Coming soon, to a stalag near you, the new BC Internal passport.
When East Germany and the USSR had these, they were called internal passports, travel documents that you had to show to go from one city to another. Either the Stasi or the Militsiya checked you and asked you to explain why you want to go to Gorky, for instance, a 'closed' city in Russia, or Rahnsdorf in East Germany.
Checkpoint Charlie, keeping you safe

The BC Services Card will combine your drivers licence with your Care card in one document. Making it a convenient multifunction card. Convenient for who? BC Liberal MLA Mary MacDairmid assures us that no information will be given to unauthorized people. She seems to be overlooking the fact that your current BC Medical information is sent to accounting firms in the US or US firms operating within Canada. Either way, all the information handled by any American corporation is subject to scrutiny by Homeland Security in the States.

Despite the Patriot Act's laudable goals, Canadian privacy commissioners have criticized it for compromising the privacy rights of Canadian citizens. Indeed, under the Act the U.S. government can obtain personal information about Canadians via American companies operating in Canada, or about Canadian companies that outsource to the U.S. Once the U.S. government has made a request, the company must release the information. And the company is bound by law not to tell you.

So much more of your personal information will now be available to those who can get it. Your medical history can now be shared by the police. And not just in BC. Reassurances by Canadian politicians have no weight at all. Indeed, in Britain the same proposal brought down a government when the people rejected the idea of even more surveillance even though it included no cameras or recordings. Electronic documents are much more sinister. It is called 'data mining'.

Yes, a very few are wondering about this. Or if you will need your 'documents' to go to Pentiction next year. Or New Westminster. "Why do you want to go to Prince George, Sir? Can I see your BC Services card, please? Are you still sick?"

The BC Government says the BC Services Card will take advantage of modern card technology that provides better security features and will keep everyone’s personal information more secure and help prevent fraud like identity theft or misuse of government services. At least until it is scanned into someone's electronic readers for the first time.

Maybe. Maybe this so called multifunction card will become a malfunction card?

Meanwhile drive safe and stay healthy and don't go anywhere that attracts attention.

Monday, December 31, 2012

What is the plan?

When you were not paying attention a couple of years ago. All analog TVs in North America ceased to exist. Your new flat screen TV is incapable of receiving an analog signal. Your local TV station is no longer able to broadcast one. Rabbit ears won't find a program. Everything is cable now, so what's the big deal?

No big deal except that one of the first steps to controlling a whole population is to control all information getting to them. If some nefarious government agency wants to control your every thought and action, it isn't that hard to do if they can manipulate the cable providers' output. By getting rid of the possibility of a television set receiving a signal through the air, they totally eliminate what could happen in a big crunch. 
What's a big crunch? It's when a shadow government finally makes itself known by an action, like a coup, and tells you what you are going to do and why it is good for your own protection. They use a Bogey man to scare you. Terrorists.
The government has been doing this since 9/11. (example of a prearranged message is the British newsgirl reporting on the fall of WT7 when it was still standing right behind her in the shot!) To keep the people safe, they say, against Saddam, and then Bin Laden, and now al Qaeda. Your own government, at this moment, is eavesdropping on every single email, telephone conversation and text message within North America under the pretense of keeping you safe. Anyone who pays attention might begin to wonder just who the terrorists really are.

If the whole of North America is in a turmoil, by that I mean a state of panic and perhaps Martial Law, maybe because of a false flag operation, there will be no one who could set up an independent broadcast to tell you what is really happening. You will be fed messages and images through your cable TV system to show you that there is nothing to worry about. And yes the web will be just like the TV information, controlled and directed by only a few cable service providers passing on prearranged news bulletins. 

For years now we have had Homeland Security monitoring the web, under the guise of preventing terrorism, to keep you safe. The Patriot Act forbids your ISP from even telling you that you have been targeted for surveillance! But every message sent within North America can be read and red-flagged by a government agency. And every TV could be fed a program intended to set your mind at ease while certain things happen.

So in the future scary world, there won't be a movie where the rebels set up their own broadcasts to urge the people to rise up against tyranny, because there will not be a TV set that could capture that signal. You will simply get a message through your cable provider that tells you to stay in your home until the terrorist threat is neutralized. There might be police patrolling with loudspeakers. Those ominous buzzing black choppers overhead, with thermal imaging cameras. Army personal with weapons on the street corners. Curfews. City passports. East Berlin mentality.

It is already known exactly who you are, what your political thoughts are, exactly what you look like, compliments of Facebook, and what color your front door is, compliments of Google Street View. (Which gives your latitude and longitude right now to minutes and seconds and elevation!) And it won't be a polite knock, it will be a swat-like team battering down your door and slinging you into a black van while your kids scream in terror. Kick and yell all you want, that is the image they want your neighbors to see and hear too. They'll stay nice and quiet while the thought dawns on them that it may be too late for them as well. Be nice lil' people and don't talk.

So now we have a new internet protocol shaping up, where the content will again be carefully monitored. Search words set off alarms now! To prevent terrorists from operating within Fortress America. You'll be safe. Go to work tomorrow. Be productive. Don't think. Delete your facebook account? Haha, way too late for that. With all the cross-referencing, they'll know exactly where to find you. Perhaps the only temporarily safe ones are those survivalists hiding in beaver lodges in the woods. And maybe a few gun advocates who have basements full of weapons and ammo.

But how long those gun folk can hold out and can they actually threaten authority? You saw it at Jonestown with the FBI raid. When they want you gone you'll be gone. No handgun or even a Bushmaster is a threat against Rocket Propelled Grenades and fire bombs. Yes, they are those same guys you hated because they wanted to retain their AK47s and AR15s. And all that practice the private contractors are doing in the Middle East with tactical weapons will come to the fore. Depleted uranium bullets disintegrate you. Cremation powder is all that remains. No DNA, no evidence you ever existed. Try searching 'depleted uranium' on YouTube and see what happens.
Blackwater  =  Xe  =  Academi

Who will take charge?  Blackwater who control a private army changed their name to Xe, then recently changed it again, to, would you believe, Academi. Woo. Less menacing, sort of sounds like a wholesome university group, how innocent they must be, yet the mercenaries charged with following whatever rules are in effect are no less scary. Blackwater was kicked out of Iraq for controversial killings of 17 civilians. You saw the start of their role in domestic society during Hurricane Katrina, when they prevented families escaping to safety at gunpoint. FEMA was in charge. Google that too.  Academi, as Blackwater or Xe, have provided more than 60 thousand protective missions around the world. And they don't ask questions first!

The only question remaining is if a shadow government stealth movement takes control of North American society without interference from real armed forces sworn to uphold the law, who will protect you? You saw how confusion reigned during 9/11. The greatest defense system the world has ever seen was totally overwhelmed by four small groups who stole airplanes and not a single air defense squadron lifted into the skies to protect you! 
Well I lied, it's not the only question remaining, there are thousands more, like why did the Social Security Administration order 750,000 rounds of hollow point bullets? And why does the Department of Homeland Security need 750 MILLION rounds of hollow points? One can only speculate what they are going to kill with that kind of lethal weaponry. (hollow point bullets kill because they expand and fragment within your body, tearing apart your organs) And I think a lot of law abiding policemen and honest US troops are wondering and trembling with the thought of exactly who they are to be used on?

The Second Amendment. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, was meant as a final check for a government that grows out of control. Thomas Jefferson said it simply; "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

Will real police and army forces who respect the law and the US constitution actually attack or kill their own citizens? That remains to be seen, and may be the ultimate jigsaw piece. A new 'rebel alliance' may only have Ham radio or smoke signals to communicate. The original Minutemen are disbanded, the new ones are just old rednecks concerned with border sneaking Mexicans. 
Will you be heading to your neighbor's farm house for protection? Or into the hills? Can you trust the NRA? Who will be on your side?

Will you continue to scoff at the warnings or begin paying attention? Maybe you should be asking questions now? Is what you are being told good enough? There might be no later.

Meanwhile, you might want to check out Ted Nugent and force yourself to like him. Some think he won't want to be controlled either. He might be on your side. 

Worse still, you might WANT him on your side.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

One more step toward slavery?

Not Just Buses, Street Lights Are Also Recording Conversations 
 Along with televisions, computers, cell phones and more 

Paul Joseph Watson 
December 11, 2012 

News that the government is set to expand the nationwide installation of surveillance bugs on buses that record conversations serves as a reminder that similar systems are also being readied for street lights, along with a host of other devices. “Government officials are quietly installing sophisticated audio surveillance systems on public buses across the country to eavesdrop on passengers, according to documents obtained by The Daily. 

Plans to implement the technology are under way in cities from San Francisco to Hartford, Conn., and Eugene, Ore., to Columbus, Ohio.” Michael Brick warns that the device will be able to, “transcribe the individual conversations of every passenger riding on a public bus,” at the behest of authorities adding that the DHS-funded project represents a horrendous affront to privacy laws. 
However, as we have previously documented, buses are by no means the only place where big brother will not only be watching, but listening too. 

As we first reported last year, high tech street lights with “homeland security applications” are now being installed in major U.S. cities. A press release put out by Amerlux earlier this year announced the company’s partnership with Illuminating Concepts to further advance the rollout of ‘Intellistreets’. 

Say again?
The announcement confirms that the street lights will have a number of “homeland security features” including a loudspeaker system that will be used to “engage captive audiences”. 
Not only can the street lights, now being rolled out in Detroit, Chicago and Pittsburgh with Department of Energy backing, act as surveillance cameras, Minority Report-style advertising hubs, and Homeland Security alert systems, they are “also capable of recording conversations,” according to a report by ABC 7. According to the companies behind the system, Intellistreets spying hubs that double as street lights are expected to “become commonplace” not only on regular streets but also for “retail malls, sports venues, on college campuses, and in new construction.” 

In addition to the Intellistreets system, gunshot detectors which have been installed in major cities for years are already recording public conversations.The ACLU responded by noting that, “It is not generally legal for law enforcement (or anyone else) to make audio recordings of conversations in which they are not a participant without a warrant.” Televisions, computers and cellphones are also set to utilize technology that records conversations in order to bombard users with invasive targeted advertising. 
Verizon recently followed Google’s lead and officially filed a patent for a set-top box that will actively spy on Americans in their own homes. 

In an article we published back in 2006, we highlighted the fact that, “Digital cable TV boxes, such as Scientific Atlanta, have had secret in-built microphones inside them since their inception in the late 1990′s.” App providers on the Android network also now require users to agree to a condition that, “Allows the app to record audio with the microphone,” on cellphones and other ‘smart’ devices. “This permission allows the app to record audio at any time without your confirmation,” states the text of the agreement. 

Virtually every new technological device now being manufactured that is linked to the Internet has the capability to record conversations and send them back to a central hub. Is it really any wonder therefore that former CIA director David Petraeus heralded the arrival of the “smart home” as a boon for “clandestine statecraft”? 

People are now willingly planting bugs on their own property with scant regard for basic privacy considerations, while the world around them is also being turned into a 24/7 surveillance grid that outstrips Orwell’s worst nightmare – all in the name of convenience, safety and security. 

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
Reposted from

How hard do we have to be hit on the head until we understand someone is hurting us? How many steps more before anyone pays attention? Including the mainstream media?
How far until it is too late?