Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sea Change

People change. You go this way, then something happens and you now go that way. This is especially odd in politics. Mostly a lot of people just vote endlessly (aimlessly?) for whatever political bent they embrace. Republicans and Democrats do this a lot in spite of how their chosen government acts in day to day business. They don't see the nuances of right and wrong. Those are sheeple. They don't judge by the action of the day, they have the faith. Misplaced or not. 

But yes there is a huge portion of the voting public who watches the goings on of government and although they might have voted for that party last year, they grow to disagree with the direction of the people they voted for.

This is what I believe is happening to Barack Obama right now. "Yes we can." the famous motto of Barack, has become 'Yes we will', whether you like it or not. 

The first time this change happened to me was during the terrible Gulf of Mexico oil spill. BP (British Petroleum) and CEO Tony Hayward lied continually about what was spilling. Obama was in the news daily but only accepted the desperate PR spin of the BP executives and the inability of the International oil company in stopping the oil for 87 days as it destroyed the sea bed of the Gulf of Mexico. Which may be an expanding dead spot for hundreds of years. No one is inspecting that spill today to see if the rumors are true of it still leaking. 

The problem for me, was that when the TV news media hired speed boats for a closer look at the oil rig, they were kept away at gun point by BP security in gun boats! Because this was not a company issue, but an international incident, I expected that Obama would simply bristle and send in the US Navy with a submersible to look at what was really happening down there. But BP got away with it. 
The most powerful nation on Earth was sent packing. Obama's body language at the time was showing defeat every day. Sort of the same thing that Colin Powell did in the UN before the invasion of Iraq when he declared Saddam Hussein had WMDs! We could all see that he didn't believe in his own words. It was PR directed from the CIA and he was simply chosen as the messenger. 
All during the BP spill I expected Obama to just take over BP oil interests in America because of the lies and damages!  I know, I know, I'm told you can't do things like that. International business etc. But it would only have to be done once, wouldn't it. 
And to top it all off and shove it in our faces, BP was approved to drill more offshore wells! 

So GITMO is still open, and prisoners in Cuba are still known as 'detainees' even though some have been there for six years or longer! Obama promised to close the prison and have the inmates presented in American courts to face democratic justice. What America stands for. And to stop torture, which now goes on in secret facilities off American soil. 'Extraordinary Rendition', it is called, which is the apprehension and transfer of a person abducted from one country and sent to another country which allows torture, for interrogation by US authorities. Started under George Bush and continued under Barack Obama. 
Hard to face but America is no longer a democracy upholding justice. 

So now we have drone warfare going on in the Middle East. Exercised with impunity by America on foreign soil. Which is spreading to North America. Local Sheriffs are beginning to use drones for surveillance and information gathering on US soil! Always with the rider, 'to protect us.'  Will it be long until they are armed too? The question has become, Who are we being protected FROM?

We have had huge banks, too big to fail, get away with ripping off billions of dollars from their depositors. All with impudence and arrogance. HSBC even laundered drug money and knew when they were doing it!  Did anyone go to jail? No. President Obama just takes to the TV screen and speaks in his stentorian voice about the economy or something else. 

This all falls into the argument that the President of the United States, the supposedly most powerful man in the World, has no power whatsoever, and only does as he is told. 

And right now, people all around the world are beginning to rebel against Monsanto. Because of the genetic engineering of food products. Country after country is banning the use of their GMO seeds. And we have the Deputy Director of the FDA, Michael Taylor, a former executive of Monsanto, planning future food safety! And a bill was passed in the US senate, nicknamed the Monsanto Protection Act, which prevents anyone from suing Monsanto because of negative effects of consuming Monsanto grown GMO foods! 

And on and on. And yes we could go on, but it seems to boil down to what we suspected, that someone visits new presidents, and simply tells them what it is going to be, sort of like Tony Soprano walking into your new restaurant and telling you what percentage he will be getting from your daily take. 

Something is not right, we all know it now. But the change is that the Democratic Barack Obama is turning out to be a failure when we hoped for so much more. 
He changed one way, and many of those who voted for him changed another. It's an ebb tide. 

The BP oil spill and the ensuing actions signaled a sea change to corporate superiority over government. 

And the USA IS now a nation in distress .... but nothing a juicy little war wouldn't help.

The only thing constant, is change.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Who did this?

The world is spiraling downward. The stock markets are actually crashing. The US had its credit rating lowered for the first time in history. Canada is doing just okay but pundits all say we'll be close behind America when it plunges. Dragged down with Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and others on the brink of something bad. And no one seems to know what to do about it all.

Well correct that ... lots of people know what to do, but the power brokers in charge of actually doing something aren't about to upset their own plush limousines.

Do you believe it? China has actually warned the US to watch its step and get its act together. China.
OMG. Shouldn't that be the exact opposite? Shouldn't the Western world be warning the backward countries about their spending behavior? How did China emerge with so much power?

Well, the truth is, the greed of the West gave it to them. For example, years ago Canada sent technology and effort to China to help them mine their minerals and ores. By building the mines and mills and sending them equipment necessary to produce goods from those ores.We knew how to do it, they didn't. Then they weren't able to transport those ores to the mills so we sent them all those huge Euclid trucks. To help them out. All free. Paid for by the Canadian government. America did exactly the same thing countless times. So China got the product out of the ground, built their own factories, and set about undercutting American factories and bankrupting the economies of North America!

We as a free enterprise democratic society condoned the actions of the few rich who needed to do 'business' with these Marxist Communists. To sell them stuff. Any technology the West didn't give the Chinese they simply stole through industrial espionage. All this while they suppressed and oppressed their population with the brutality of their regime. While we looked away.

Nixon opened up China and is heralded for that. But by who? The billionaires who added to their fortunes with deals in China. Those inside deals enriched a very few while destroying workers at home. And it went round and round until today the Chinese hold the debt balance for America. They have successfully destroyed the North American steel industry, the manufacturing industry, high tech is going or gone, nothing left but the pizza shops and Wendy's. Farming controlled by Monsanto. Health by offshore pharmaceutical corporations. Even space is being taken over by Chinese rockets!

The Arabs hold the other half of this equation by strangling us with artificially high oil prices. Courtesy of their confidant, George HW Bush. The Tea Party Conservative Republicans pound away at Obama without a single mention of the costs of the two wars they started. Estimated by the end of this year to be 1.3 TRILLION dollars! Isn't that almost what the US is in debt for?

It's like the powers that be are lining up their tanks in a row to bring down the world so they can emerge as the keepers of the New World Order. The consequences too frightening to imagine.

We did this to ourselves by allowing power and greed to take precedence over home interests. We dealt with the Devils in China and Saudi Arabia who tore apart the fabric of what was a proud world-leading America. The home-grown foreign devils in America might be the losers, however. If there is nothing left to control who wins?

We did this by tolerating corporate greed to overrun our governments. And over-rule our governments. And to place their needs above those of the population. We did this by allowing people like the Bushes and Cheney to ignore what the founders and builders of America had in mind and to set the dominoes of democracy falling. We did this by allowing Enron to slip into oblivion, by forgetting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and now likely Rupert Murdoch. We did this by not yelling for our media to tell us what is really happening. We did this by accepting the glowing reports of 'embedded' reporters in those wars. Like Afghanistan where the so called Western Coalition has only a small zone in Kabul barely under control. We did this by allowing BP to spill and hide the results and not answer for their stupidity. We did this by not demanding that Obama order the Navy into the Gulf to supervise and control the 'cleanup' and tell us the truth.

If the world plunges into chaos, we have only ourselves to blame for our complacency and acceptance of nefarious doings at our expense. We did this by ignoring the phrase, power of the people, for the people. It is not rhetoric, it is truth.

We did this.
