Showing posts with label flight 253. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flight 253. Show all posts

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Conspiracies - Business as usual?

Why is it there are so many questions unanswered about terrorism?
9/11 has expanded itself into a huge ongoing controversy over the years simply because of unanswered questions. (if you want to know what they are because you've been in a cave for 10 years, refer to the link two posts below - Believe what you will ... but ... it goes to the now famous "Loose Change" video)

So now we have Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on Christmas day, flying from Amsterdam to Chicago. An attempted bombing and even though it seems someone has been arrested, there are many questions emerging from the incident.

1 - Some passengers (including Attorney Kurt Haskell) saw a well dressed man pressuring the ticket agent in Schiphol airport to allow another man (bomb man) onto the plane without a passport.
................ No one has released airport video to accept or refute this observation? Why not? You can be sure ALL ticket booths are constantly filmed and these two are recorded. Or not.

2 - The well dressed man and the bomb man went to a 'manager's office at the airport.
................ Why no info about this 'manager' or confirmation that the two were queried? Why isn't anyone answering how bomb man was able to board the aircraft?

3 - Someone sprang into action immediately that a fire emerged to subdue the bomb man and he was evidently taken to first class and handcuffed there.
................ No one seems to know who it was or who took charge of the fire bomb man? They say he was a Dutchman, but was he an Air marshal? If so why not tell the public? If not, where did the handcuffs come from?

4 - Once the plane landed, passengers were kept on the plane for 20 minutes but then allowed to get off with their carry-on baggage.

................ No one hurried the passengers off suspecting another bomb might have been on board? Or to protect a crime scene. And no one inspected the carry-on until hours later.
5 - While in the quarantined area, another man's bag was sniffed out by a bomb sniffing dog and taken to a separate room, then later led away in handcuffs.

................ Why did the FBI deny there even was another man questioned and then change their story five times after publicly aired comments by witnesses?
6 - Some man several rows back of the incident in the plane, was seen operating a video cam recording the whole action.

................ Why has this not come out about who he was or where that video might be?
7 - Another witness confirming Kurt Haskell's view of the Schiphol man says she is afraid to come forward.

................ Why?
8 - The well dressed man in Schiphol said his friend was from Sudan, when we now know he was from Nigeria and already identified by his own father to the CIA as a potential terrorist.
................ Why was no action taken in this regard?

9 - The media has seemingly expressed no desire to investigate, or even query anything about this event, except for a few independent websites and known instigators.
............... Why is mainstream media so reluctant to report on the biggest terrorism scare in 8 years?

Well, there are more questions emerging every day. And fewer answers. If the FBI had an air marshal on board, wouldn't they admit it? Even to reassure the public and inform other potential terrorists?
The problem emerging here, is that the conspiracy theorists get huge erections over stuff like this. And begin to sense a plan. All of these events seem to fit nicely into the idea that everything was known ahead of time. Hmm? Like another false flag operation?
If you knew there was no other bomb aboard, why even bother to search the plane? And letting the passengers sit for 20 minutes is okay too if there was no danger. Then letting them off with their carry-on is okay as well because it was all known ahead of time what was going down? And changing a story from the FBI almost every other day to counter what witnesses were saying is ... just odd.
So one conspiracy theorist told me that 'they' are wanting to keep terrorism front and centered in the minds of the populace to allow further restrictions to freedom. And that this young bomb man may be part of it all and will simply disappear somewhere into some prearranged protection system. Like, do this for us and you'll get American citizenship?

Why do these conspiracy ideas seems to nestle nicely into each other while the official stories fumble about? Is it just because truth is stranger than fiction?
Perhaps it is a natural suspicion in the subliminal minds of people based on a history of machiavellian intrigue going back to the beginnings of recorded secrets. And conspiracy theories are sometimes defined as an attempt to explain an event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people who have also managed to conceal their role.

It seems like business as usual in the conspiracy - counter conspiracy trade. I'm just watching for the next one.

Kurt Haskell's account of the Christmas Day, Northwest flight 253 ....