Showing posts with label secret agendas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secret agendas. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2011

Adjust the World

The World needs an adjustment.
It seems to be spinning out of control and one wonders if we are irreversibly destined to just ride out the spiraling plunge helplessly. Is it too late for people in every country to take control over their own destiny? Seems so.
It is like we are headed for another dark age.

The latest disaster in Japan seems to bring it to our attention once again as the ones in charge of the nuclear facilities seem to be lying outright about their problem, or are emitting only squeaks when questioned about the dangers. Once again the Company seems to be more important than the people it is supposed to serve. Protecting business is everything, the consequences to the population are secondary.
This attitude is tragic but prevalent.

We saw the same situation with the BP oil spill. But everyone thought that with Obama as President, things would be different. We all believed that after seeing the executives and CEOs of the company lying about the effects and circumstances, that Obama would step in with the US Navy and take over the effort and then use the assets of BP in America to pay for it all.
We got a clue then that even the President of the most powerful nation in the world was owned by private business and hogtied by corporate agenda and secret lobbied deals over what the population of the whole USA wanted and needed. Trust.
And somehow BP managed to ride it out. We no longer even look to see what is going on in the Gulf of Mexico, despite rumors that the leak is still ongoing and the oil is lying on the bottom of the sea and sealing it from recovering itself. Expanding the already acknowledged, 'Dead Area' with a coating of sludge.
Out of sight.

Both these horrific events only show that the corporations were totally unprepared and unable to prevent the disasters once something went wrong. Their planning and designs were completely inadequate. And maintenance was even ignored. But alas, their bullying and cover-up propaganda was well executed.

We've had bank crashes, the mortgage crises, the Enron scandal, all these affecting the well-being of thousands of people but bringing profit to business. We've had 911, nefarious military actions and criminal intent in foreign countries. The ignoring of the US Constitution regarding prisoners and even within the White House. People are trying to simply live on this planet, but are too dizzy with the twisting top that is our world to rise up in defence of real freedom and truth and justice when it comes to corporations and the way they operate today.

We have found out that trade agreements are about business and not people and only advantage corporations and their drive for profits and exploitation of the resources of other lands. Foreign policy is actually laid by these corporations. Individuals have little to gain from international trade agreements. And now we're even being cautioned by a controlled news media that those who are telling us and the other populations of the world that they are being cheated on, and revealing these underworld actions, are the bad guys.
Knowledge to the people is being dispersed with disinformation.

All the dictators in the Arab oil states were perfectly acceptable to the West until their own people rose up against them. And the West tacitly agreed with the Emirs or Shahs or Potentate's methods, however brutal, while siphoning that oil back into American gas tanks. And now the West just looks at the situations unfolding with the fallacy that these people are moving toward American Style democracy. Not so, they are just rising against the cruelty of a regime.
The West no longer has models to look up to.

Somehow, the world's peoples need to take hold of their own future. The trust is gone. True values and moralities are ignored. The secret agenda is becoming apparent. And a dark age looms ahead of us on a world-wide scale.
The World needs an adjustment.
Question everything. Find your own truth.