Showing posts with label 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2016. Show all posts

Friday, November 2, 2012

Conspiracy or not?

We all know that any conspiracy is hidden from view long before it emerges as fact or a stealthy pre-action. Only the few who happen to think of furtive plans, bring light to the darkness. Correct or not.
So is this a conspiracy?

In the Presidential election. Romney might be in trouble despite that the right wing media constantly tries to cast him as a competent leader. There seems to me to be three divisions within the Republican party; the Tea Party types, the ones making all those asinine comments like Donald Trump going after birth certificate and college records of Obama after four years in, only to make an ass of himself. Yet Mitt Romney just won't reveal those income tax records. 

Then they have the Religious Right, full of those who interpret everything their own way, including that they believe God works on their behalf. With insane statements like God wants women to bear rape resulting babies! 

But there is the most dangerous element of the Republicans, those who want to take over the world. And they are just being ominously quiet right now. George HW Bush laid the groundwork during his presidency. And previously as Vice-President and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. His son, President George W Bush and his ever-hovering watchdog Dick Cheney continued remaking that infrastructure. 
So what IS the plan? 
To get a third Bush as President of the United States.

The knock on Romney has been people are saying his companies send jobs to Asia, and he hides his wealth in the Grand Cayman Islands. A well established banking and business and investment capital famous for hiding money from prying government and tax collecting eyes. This has been talked over so much so that even the mention of the Caymans, means Mitt Romney.
And although the current Republican campaign has no interest in former President GW Bush's support at all, (which should tell you something about the division within) the Democrats continue to exploit the popular Bill Clinton. What does all this mean?

Well we now have former President George W Bush, giving a speech in the Caymans, under lock and key to only a few business people. At an 'investment conference'. NO journalists were allowed to attend or even get into the Ritz-Carlton hotel. The keynote speech by the former president was totally closed to all journalists and conference organizers were forbidden from discussing any aspect of it even in general terms! The whole process smacks of Bilderberg meetings and points to a comparison to Romney's secrets.. 
Does the very fact that Bush chose the Caymans to talk have this meaning?
What could the plan possibly be?

If Romney loses. Good for Bush people. And by speaking from the very base of Romney's money, isn't that driving home the idea of why there is no tax return information? If Romney was to go ahead and win the election, it might twist the future of Republican presidential candidates in a totally new direction. 
But if they could be sure Romney would lose, and they can do without the presidency for four years, it will be much easier to engineer another Bush into position to contest the 2016 campaign.  (perhaps taking a page from Canada's Liberal Party; go ahead and put in an English leader who is certain to lose so we can get back to a French-Canadian leader next time)

It is suggested that the campaign for 2016 has already begun. Many pundits including Jon Stewart are already posting Road to Jeb Bush, 2016  banners. And by allowing people like Trump, Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Michele Bachman to voice their ludicrous speeches now, they only contrast those loonies with Bush and seem to present a real serious alternative. Yelling and screaming only gets immediate responsive and perhaps impulsive action, the design of stealth assures delayed and controlled action. Using stealth implies a thoughtful agenda for the future. And the Bushes totally understand the concept of long distance planning.
A stealthy thoughtful insidious plan for a designed future private action IS conspiracy!

The only question is whether it will be Jeb Bush or a surprise Marvin Bush in 2016.  
And there are plenty more Bushes where these come from. 

Enjoy the election but stay tuned for the real one four years from now. 
Then watch the seeding.