Yeah, that's better. It's okay people, nothing to worry about. Just keep on, be quiet and behave yourselves. Even if it was titled Earth Burning Up, 99% of you would ignore the headline, that is how muddled the truth has become. Purposely.
Heat Dome is becoming a word in our vocabulary. Climate Change is way better than Global Warming. Your media accepted what they were told to describe. The same idiocy that changed Rape to Sexual Assault. Way nicer for the Rapists. Telling a woman her hair is dumb is sexual assault now. You get it? And by now you know that ALL your media is dictated by about 10 persons! The Elite have privilege over you!
What is actually happening? We are getting those polluting corporations to toss in more money. You see, a factory belching black toxic smoke into the atmosphere shouldn't be doing that. It will eventually start killing people from the poison in the atmosphere you breath. So the powers that be, to stop you from getting violent about your future, and bombing that freaking factory, invented Carbon Credits. A carbon credit is a generic term for any tradable certificate or permit representing the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or the equivalent amount of a different greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. Your atmosphere. You okay with that? Carbon credits and carbon markets are a component of national and international attempts to mitigate the growth in concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs).
Like every country gets a certain amount of death spew into the atmosphere. So say China pollutes more than their allowance, they just make a deal with say, San Marino which has NO pollution, to use their allotment and deduct it from China's own. Better than the illusionist who hides the silver dollar!
That's what they say. To many, Carbon Credits means just keep on polluting, pay money to whatever government agency, and then simply raise your prices to protect your profits. All the shareholders love this. Where does that money go? Probably into General Revenue to become forgivable loans for those very companies who are belching toxicity into the air. To help them convert, you see. It's all good, right?
And it is unlikely we'll get any serious action by doing this dance around until some Elite power guy's child starts suffering from whatever pollution sickness will happen.
So if the people on Earth ever want to take control of whatever future we have left, they need to take serious action. Like just stopping that factory from belching smoke into your lungs. And that IS where it is going. Threats are not working, hundreds of factories ignore government warnings to curb their carbon. Some have been warned many times. The coal industry is thriving. New coal plants are still opening.
But they get away with it? How? They send another lobbyist to Washington with a twisted breakdown about how breathing foul air is good for you and they go with a satchel of money in plain brown envelopes.
We've all lived through that scenario when the cigarette companies were still telling us there was no evidence smoking would hurt you. Those people were born with bad lungs! Sure. And now with the continents going up in flames there are some still saying Earth is okay, it happens every so often.
So this is what you do.
Tell those factories to clean up right now. Right now being before the end of this year. They'll laugh at first. Then they'll howl bloody murder to their buddies in Gov. So even if we have to do it at gunpoint we close down that factory and just pay the workers their salaries. There is already a world wide move for a universal income. So the loss to society will be that factory and their product, and the bonuses for the executives who engineered the situation anyway.
So you can't do that. The police will come and stop you for threatening. And then the army. The fail here is that the police and the soldiers have lives and families too. The breaking point is here, folks, we all know it in our minds. Do we wait until the whole of Western Australia or California burns down forever? Do we listen to the politicians who tell us they'll reach their target by 2075? Do politicians lie?
So what about the loss of product? Ask if we actually need more plastic tubs? Simply put out a call for making that product without polluting! Or a substitute. Don't smile, someone will do it. How many wonderful inventions have had their patents bought up and then tossed because corporations couldn't stand competition. Do we need 12 airlines all flying half empty to the same destination? But the Capitalist way is competition. Hmm, all who believe that put up your hands? - - - None of you, huh?
Remember all the cities that lost their street cars way back then? That was a huge conspiracy by Rubber tire, Gasoline and Motor Bus industries. Steel wheels hardly wear out, Electric trams don't use gas etc. Sneaky deceived to keep profits and bonuses coming.
We can no longer trust our representatives in government, it IS us against them. If we don't win this time we are doomed. But we've been saying they'll work something out. Sorry it ain't working out that way. We need to take a hit right now, we the people AND we the Industrialists. We are struggling while THEY are tucked into their hushed Mansions in the South of France, or up there in the Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Alps, or maybe Upstate New York drinking $1000. Scotch. Wherever they are, we need to go for them. Marches, rallies, pleading are all something they just blink away. By 'go for them' I mean to, at the very minimum, neutralize them. They ARE the enemy.
Our whole world as we know it is controlled by so few people, maybe 100? The problem are the ones who take their orders without a thought. Send their messages without reading them, and do their bidding even while hurting everyone else. Or 6 o'clock news readers doing the news without thinking what they are saying!
Time to storm their Bastille and take back the Earth. Let them suffer the consequences instead of us.
Not long to go now.
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