Sunday, August 18, 2013

Welcome to Amerika

This map appeared during a presentation by Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein about the NSA at a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting. 
It seems now that America considers Canada as just another part of the USA Homeland. We knew that already though, right? It looks like Greenland is a part too but they cleverly covered rebellious Iceland. (not sure how Denmark feels about Greenland's inclusion)

It was also recently revealed that NSA paid GCHQ, Britain's equivalent spy agency, 150 million in hush-hush money to influence British intelligence gathering operations. So can we assume that Britain is also now part of the USA? 
Africa and Australia don't get a color.

So now that we are American citizens too, where do we go to get those benefits Americans get so much of?
Um .... what were they again? 
Oh. No healthcare, you say? Ah yes, they consider it a good thing not to have it, don't they?

Should we begin referring to the Homeland as der Fatherland?

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