Saturday, December 4, 2010

Secret goings on?

You read it here first.
Several months ago, the Chinese set the other world military powers agog with a demonstration of their capabilities. They shot down a satellite in space!
It was one of their own but they showed they could do it and sent a chill throughout the industrial military complexes of many nations, most of all, the US. If space is to become a factor in world warfare, then space ship satellites cruising miles overhead need to be impervious from attack from the ground.

So then, a few weeks ago, a news helicopter filmed a rocket rising from somewhere west of Los Angeles. No one knew what it was. See the article and video below Chemtrails/Contrails/Missiles for an explanation. The Pentagon denies knowing what that missile was. Trying to pass it off as a contrail from a commercial airliner. Well we all know that the Pentagon never tells the truth. (not that they are obligated to tell us the truth)

So then, just the other day, the US announces that it's space craft/flyer, the X37B Ordital Test Vehicle has just landed after a successful secret mission into space. This 'plane' was built by Boeing's Phantom Works Division for NASA originally until the US Airforce Rapid Capabilities Office took it over. It was secretly launched in April of this year on a seven month test mission.

Now, considering what the implications are that something like this could be shot down from the ground by an enemy force, wouldn't you think a test would be in order while this vehicle was orbiting?
Just what was it doing up there? Technologies to be tested included advanced guidance, navigation and control, thermal protection systems, avionics, high temperature structures and seals, conformal reusable insulation, and lightweight electromechanical flight systems. Or so we are told.
In addition, the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle will demonstrate autonomous orbital flight; upon command from the ground, the OTV autonomously re-enters the atmosphere, descends and lands horizontally on a runway. So wouldn't the US Air Force need to KNOW their systems worked by performing an ultimate test? Shooting one of their own most advanced missiles at their project, (with fail safe capabilities of course, perhaps programmed to disintegrate or just go off into space silently forever) would be something they would need to know. So making sure they could detect, and thwart any attempt from Earthlings to interfere with the conquest of humanity.

So could that missile launch in California recently have been a test to confirm their secret X37B vehicle would be safe up there? Unable to be shot down? Watching us below? Shadowing us with impudence? Even arrogance. Threatening us all into submission and slavery? Zapping us by laser with no fear of retaliation.

Sure the thing looks like a huge slug. But we never thought Jabba the Hutt was dangerous either, and look at the trouble he caused Princess Leia and Luke.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WikiLeaks or does it?

There seems to be a huge furor over the revelations of documents by the website, WikiLeaks. They are saying the thousands of revealing items are placing people in jeopardy of their jobs, soldiers at risk, secret identities exposed or even war plans!

But so far, all we have seen are documents which show that diplomats, and people in government or military sending things to each other are simply human. Is calling Angela Merkel 'teflon' an insult or a compliment? I would suspect the 'Teflon Don', John Gotti considered it a badge. Hilary Clinton is aghast that people in the State Department have nicknames for their counterparts.
Are they revealing troop movements? Isn't that WWII stuff? Seems to me when the US invaded Iraq there were reporters already waiting on the shores to film the Marine landings! It was on the Six O'Clock news and no one bitched then. Now America has a carrier heading for the Yellow Sea off Korea. We all know it. Stealth no longer applies.

So here comes my raison d'etre - there might be someone out here in blogland, who believes there is a stealthy movement afoot to take control of the internet. Not just to destroy WikiLeaks, but control of ALL the internet. There is entirely TOO MUCH freedom going on there. Anyone with an opinion can now blog it. And put wicked ideas that politicians are corrupt into the heads of the people. And anyone with a cell phone cam can prove it! Dangerous people!
So is there too much reaction to WikiLeaks?
Will there be a sudden move to take complete control of the internet entirely? The Patriot Act ensured that Homeland Security would be able to monitor everything you do anyway. How much further can they go? Some would like this wild freedom of expression ended.

And here's the trick; to limit your communication in the first place. Rather than wait for the ethereal product to go whizzing through the sky and then defend against it with a midnight raid to your home by men in black. Why not just stop it at its source . . . you.
Someone's idea might be that you can send an email to your neighbor down the street, but not to a cousin from Seattle to Miami. Way too far. Across the seas out of the question. Mohammed to Mustafa? No way. Criticize the government? No way too.

As for leaders calling other leaders names, wasn't it Canada's Jean Chretien who publically called George Bush a moron? No need for stealth there either. Just saying it like it is (was) (still is) Is it new info that we think Muammar Khadafi is a jerk? That the Saudis are sponsoring Al Qaeda? That the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is crazy?

Oh, by the way, speaking of putting people in jeopardy, wasn't it the Bush/Cheney cadre that outed a CIA asset/spy Valerie Plame? By instructions to the treasonous 'journalist puppet', Robert Novak.

Seems to me WikiLeaks can't do worse than that.

addenda - the following day a massive 'denial of service' cyber attack took place against the WikiLeaks website. Thwarted for the time being because they anticipated it and had arrangements in place for temporary service if need be. They also released an encrypted file, called insurance.aes256, and encouraged people to download this file, where it could be made public at any time by with the release of the password by WikiLeaks! Already there are 61 seed sites available. The inner war is on.

update: The war against WikiLeaks seems to be heating up. As if the CIA is changing into high gear. Someone, somewhere is pulling out all the stops. Freedom of speech needs to be quashed. Ebay was influenced to stop renting WikiLeaks any bandwidth on its servers. Sweden is going to arrest Assange because two prostitutes have suddenly complained. Twitter has been threatened. PayPal forced to stop collecting donations. And now Mastercard too. Is this legal? Even a university forum had the warning to students from officials that anyone twittering or suggesting facebook contacts between WikiLeaks and humans could result in compromising future employment! Something ominous about the reaction to WikiLeaks from the powers that be, isn't there?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Today in History - - - November 24

Lee Harvey Oswald.
While the world was still reeling at the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, we saw the alleged perpetrator of the crime, caught and killed only two days later, and on national TV!
And these many years on we can only marvel at the speed with which his apprehension for the crimes happened. And the positive assertion that Oswald was undoubtedly the lone killer of Officer Tippit and Kennedy.
All these instant conclusions would be astounding even in todays era of nanosecond web communication. Yet over these years so many nagging doubts still evoke questions.

Oswald was supposed to have shot Kennedy from a 6th floor coign of vantage in the Texas Schoolbook Depository, with a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. But first it was identified as a 7.65 Italian Mauser, by sherrifs and FBI Special Agents. Affidavits were signed. Then it became a 6.5 Carcano rifle. Why? Because the FBI discovered that Oswald HAD purchased a Carcano, but NOT a Mauser. And even other rifles are now mentioned. And it took a world class marksman from the Army to nearly duplicate the 3 shots in 4.5 second feat! Other trained US Marine snipers said it could not be done.
And an almost perfect bullet 'appeared' on the stretcher bearing the President's body. A bullet that went through TWO bodies. That looks as if the Lone Ranger put it there!

Oswald was even identified by someone who SAW him up there from across the street! Is that believeable today?

Oswald was supposedly seen being questioned by Tippit shortly after leaving his job and taking to the streets. Witnesses said they saw him shoot Tippit. They even saw him REloading his handgun while fleeing! Does that sound like a frightened killer? Yet other witnesses said another car pulled up, a man got out and shot Tippit and then roared away! Someone else saw two men who were NOT Oswald. Witnesses even identified a different assailant as heavy set, wearing a long overcoat. Many witnesses claimed intimidations and threats about their testimonys. Several eye-witnesses died soon after.
The Warren Commission ignored most of it.

And what was Officer Tippit up to on the hour before he died? Why was he far out of his patrol area? Why did he suddenly rush to 10th Street and stop to make a phone call in a cafe but only listened and said nothing? Why did he seem panicked when he made the call? He left his car radio at a crucial time. Then he was seen cruising very slowly. Why was Tippit known in the area he died in? Some witnesses thought he lived nearby. But it was miles from his patrol area and his home?

How did anyone know Oswald's path of exit? Was it coincidence? Happenstance? Or enemy action? Officer Tippit was directed exactly where to go, minutes after the murder. Then radioed back when he was in position. Why was Tippit directed to 10th St? Was he? The Dallas police lieutenant who may have directed Tippit that day, Harry Dean Thomas, married his widow three years later.
The shells from the shooting were gathered by policeman, J.M. Poe, and he marked them with his initials, however the shell casings eventually entered into evidence had no such markings.

Oswald went to his rooming house first. Who were the two policemen who stopped in front, gave two horn honks and went away? Then he went to a movie theatre. Why did he go there instead of staying on a bus and getting far away? Was he under a prearranged instruction to go to that theatre? Part of a plan to have him where someone wanted him? Did someone give him a revolver there? Perhaps the very revolver just used to kill Tippit? Perhaps by the very person who DID kill Tippit? The revolver in his possession was fully loaded with no empty chambers. And he had no additional ammunition with him. So if Oswald shot Tippit four times, and REloaded, then he must have had only had four extra bullets with him? Seems too odd, doesn't it?

Oswald was constant in his claim that he was a patsy. He was innocent. He never shot anybody. And more than one scholar who has gone through the whole case has said the Mexico and Soviet Union implications could have easily pointed to Oswald being a CIA spy.
Alas, all these years later we are still suspicious, yet nowhere near advanced in our factuals about how it happened. The circumstances seem just too complex. The evidence now too scattered. Diffused. Lost. Misinformation and disinformation. Indeed, but we have more questions than ever.
His actions seem to be a response to suddenly realizing he had been set up. Confusion, desperation, the compounding of events leading him to take a predetermined escape route as his only hope. A route designed by who?

Lee Harvey Oswald was never actually charged with killing the Presdient.

CHEMtrails vs CONtrails vs Missiles

Many of us chemtrail believers are in a constant argument with the disbelievers.
Those are Contrails, they shout, you guys are wearing tin hats! Who would spray stuff in the shy?
So we shout back, Chemtrails! The mix lingers in the sky for hours! And on and on.

Then along comes an entirely different trail billowing up into the sky. The video recorded this time by a Sky2 News helicopter in Los Angeles. Even the glowing engine of the rocket can seen.

The Pentagon has since declared it as simply a CONtrail. Perhaps a jet on its way to Disneyland, er, okaaay.
The US Navy denies any knowledge. The Air Force says it doesn't know what it was. Vandenberg AFB denies any launchings.
One thing we might be sure of, if the Pentagon is telling us stuff about things like this, then we can be pretty sure they are lying, by their recent history of explaining how a 767 vanished into their own concrete building.
And if NORAD is reassuring us, then we can be pretty sure we should be afraid because of their history of being unable to scramble F18s against a threatening aircraft in the air for 40 minutes AFTER the WTC buildings 'collapsed'.

One thing all of us skywatchers on opposing sides of the CON/CHEMtrail debate do know, is what a missile launch looks like.
And that is a missile.

The scary part is if they REALLY don't know.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Conspiracy theorists. Where from?

The argument that many people who believe a certain conspiracy idea start out thinking in paranoic terms is not so. Those arguments are often convoluted and stretched to fit their premise. Some twisted minds automatically believe anything against a government, or corporation, or political party because of some pain they have been inflicted with.
Yet others begin with a simple, seemingly innocent question. A seed of an idea that begins to grow and bloom with either suspicious answers or a telling silence.

Conspiracies are born when someone tries to hide or distort the truth amid a series of obvious lies or through so many omissions that the prevarication becomes evident. When the simple seeking of information becomes purposely clouded in disinformation the red flags go up.

To name just a few suspicions that fuel these kinds of ideas;
The JFK conspiracy was born from just too many incidents: like when a pristine undeformed bullet appeared on JFK's stretcher carrying his body. AND when witnesses to the murder of officer Tippet conflicted yet only those who said they saw Oswald were used. AND when Oswald was shot within one day. AND, when the powers that be had to enlist the best army sharpshooter to duplicate shots with a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle from the Schoolbook Depository. AND when the people who heard and saw actions from the 'grassy knoll' were ignored. AND when 10 eyewitnesses 'mysteriously' died in the 6 months immediately after. And when Jack Ruby suddenly died. AND when the Warren Commission ignored or did NOT include many pertinent facts in their summery report. And even years later the fire was stoked again when George HW Bush lied about his presence in Dallas that day until it was proven he was there. Etc etc.
Is there a valid reason that people would NOT start to believe something was afoul?

The 9-11 conspiracy has been born because simple questions and what should be obvious evidence is being withheld from the public knowledge.
Like of the 214 surveillance camera sequences that were confiscated near the Pentagon by the FBI on the day, we only get 4 FRAMES to 'show' it was an airliner. AND when NORAD and the US military in charge of protecting America from terrorism is totally useless in that they don't scramble masses of F15s. AND when the First Responders, firemen and police all swear there were explosions in the basements of WTC 1 and 2. AND when a steel structured high rise building falls down from fire for the first time in history. AND when airliners crash into the earth and the Pentagon but leave NO trace when every previous crash in history does leave tail and fusilage. AND when the steel is immediately shipped off to China before the NTSB can even do a single test of that steel. AND when President George W Bush is called to testify it is behind closed doors with an agreement that nothing will be recorded and he brings his 'handler', Dick Cheney with him.

Other conspiracies form from a history of stealth and manipulation, from the first denials of friendly fire incidents to `false flag` operations. Like when it is PROVEN that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was faked. And that Agent Orange WAS sprayed over innocent people. And when the CIA actually have the resources to start their own secret airline. And when the US Government admits to having 83,000 employees doing nothing but adding misinformation, counteracting negative publicity and conspiracy theories in newspapers, web forums etc, thereby spreading DISinformation.

Conspiracy theorists are not the paranoids who would shout about the voices they hear in their heads, even though those sufferers jump onto the theories right away, no, conspiracy theorists are those who only want a simple answer that they KNOW is easily given but withheld for whatever reason. They are the ones who, only through the process of elimination of the spin stories, see that the truth, whatever it may be, is being manipulated and fed to the people.
Accepting that manufactured truth is something certain people cannot do. In spite of the shadow of fear and threat cast with it. It defies their logic, reason and intelligence.

Call them what you will, but they are willing to face the ridicule in searching for the truth.
Kind of a brave thing to do, actually.

Keep asking questions.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Today in History - October 30

On this day in 1938. Orson Welles went onto the radio airwaves with a fictional broadcast of a Martian invasion of Earth; War of the Worlds. The radio show, from Mercury Theatre on the Air, was written to sound like breaking news. The War of the Worlds was adapted from HG Wells' novel, written, directed and narrated by Orson Welles.
People were shot by fearful others. It caused caused panic in the streets. Aliens were seen everywhere, and even though the broadcast frequently issued disclaimers that it was only entertainment, Welles' script was so believable to the thousands who were tuned in that havoc ensued and in the succeeding days, turned to outrage over having been duped so convincingly.
Perhaps Orson Welles revealed how easily masses of people could be manipulated into fear.
And did Joseph Goebells, who was then Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany take notice too, that scary night in 1938? He perfected the Big Lie technique in propaganda, which is based on the principal that a lie, if audacious enough, and repeated enough times, will be believed by the masses.
Today many thousands suspect the prewar episode was updated for the 21st century, the action a little different, the alien characters changed, modern technologically enhanced, and repeated on September 11, 2001 with Dick Cheney in the Orson Welles part.

The people remain manipulated into fear and perhaps believing the big, audacious, repeated lie.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Jim Mars in 10 Minutes

Take just 9:49 minutes to listen to Jim Mars' point of view. He says everything you need to hear about 9-11 - - - ask yourself if he makes sense then start researching for yourself.

(with thanks to Jim Mars and YouTube)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Technology news

Wow, look at this news item from the technology section of ABC News:
Cell Phones on Airlines: Coming Soon to a Seat Near You?

More and more international airlines are offering in-flight cell services and it might not be long before calls are routine on domestic U.S. flights as well. Cathay Pacific has now announced that, starting in 2012, it will equip its entire fleet with an onboard cell phone system for GSM mobile phones. Virgin Atlantic announced a similar plan last month for its newest planes.
Here in the U.S. the Federal Communications Commission prevents domestic carriers from following their international peers, and legislation is pending in Congress to ban in-flight cell-phone conversations. But some in the industry say it's only a matter of time before American airlines start bringing voice communication to the friendly skies.

Aviation Week, in 2004 printed - 'Qualcomm and American Airlines are exploring ways for passengers to use commercial cell phones inflight for air-to-ground communication'. They did a test with the aircraft being equipped with a special antenna in the front and rear of the cabin to transmit cell phone calls to a small in-cabin CDMA cellular base station. This "pico cell" transmitted cell phone calls from the aircraft via a Globalstar satellite to the worldwide terrestrial phone network.
Randy Petersen, editor and publisher of InsideFlyer magazine said, "We will see this in U.S. airplanes in the near future."

In the future? WTF?
Don't these people who are on the cutting edge of modern cell phone technology realize that way back there in September of 2001, there were several cell calls made with 2001 technology cell phones from an aircraft at speed up there at altitude in the sky?
Didn't they hear Mark Bingham say "Hello Mom, this is your son Mark Bingham."? He also said, "You believe me, don't you?"
Did they miss Cee Cee Lyles saying, "I'm on a plane. I'm on a plane that's been hijacked. I'm calling from the plane." and "Tell my children I love them ..." Not naming her children.
And a whole mess of other cell phone calls, all purportedly from that tragic Flight 93 while flying way up there in the air.

And a note; cell phone calls are not to be confused with airphone calls.

Nice to think that someday we'll be able to call friends and relatives from a plane in the air from a cell phone! Wonder who made all those other calls on that day?

Haven't these advanced thinking techies ever heard of 9-11? Shanksville? UAL Flight 93? Well evidently not.

But we have, haven't we?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Is Obama a secret muslim?

The questions from the radical right and the so called Tea Party keep coming, Is Obama a muslim?
Spurred on by people like Glen Beck and Sarah Palin. It is a question that incites their redneck followers. Almost igniting them with the same vitriol the radical muslims display against Americans.
But President Obama has refuted the query time and time again. Of course the Republicans don't separate the idea that Obama's Christian pastor got into trouble during the election campaign for being too outspoken about Barak. They went after him then but now they have a new exciting bone to chew on, thereby conveniently ignoring the contradiction of Obama's Christian past. The mentality of those rapt listeners to Beck, Limbaugh and Palin cannot differentiate between Obama and Osama. Compounded by FOX News.

Perhaps a better question to ask might be: Is George HW Bush a muslim? Secretly or otherwise?
Take a look at his past;
- He has many connections through his oil industry companies to the Saudis and their money.
- While Director of the CIA, he provided training for the Saudi Royal Family Palace Guard.
- A connection through Osama Bin Laden bankrolled his son, GW Bush's first venture into oil.
- Part of the Gulf War agreements were to have the US Army in Saudi Arabia to protect the Royal Family, these troops were confined to the desert and never allowed off base or into towns. The Saudis themselves never even knew the hated Americans were on their soil to defend them against the so called threat of Saddam Hussein.
- George HW Bush was a close enough friend to visit the private Bin Laden family compound in Saudi-Arabia.
- There was a presidential briefing from the CIA in which Osama Bin Laden and al Qaeda's aim of launching an attack against the US was mentioned. To this day, the George W Bush White House has refused to release the contents of that briefing to Congressional inquiries into 9-11.
- On the morning of 9-11, Bush Sr was at a meeting in Washington. Osama Bin Laden's brother was also at that meeting.
- Two days later, when every aircraft in the whole USA was grounded, 140 Saudi Nationals and 24 members of the Bin Laden family were allowed to fly out of the USA on eight planes without questioning.
- The George W Bush Administration refused to place several Saudi charities and individuals on the terror watch list. The names were classified by GW Bush and never made public.
- Even certain CIA agents with Middle East experience have questioned the close relationship between the Bush family and the Saudi elite which led to the intelligence failure that culminated in the attack of 9-11.

Perhaps there is only conjecture here about the Bush family connections to the Saudis. But one must conclude that the Bush Family are far more worthy of scrutiny and suspicion of being muslims than Barak Obama.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Today in History - - - September 4

Google, the search engine to become it's own entity, was introduced by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. Google now has it's own definition in Websters.
We have our own reasons to like Google.
The Patriot Act was rushed through congress only 45 days after the horrendous actions at the WTC on September 11, 2001. And many believe that it allows federal authorities, including the FBI and CIA to spy on US citizens without their knowledge. They can do secret searches of your home without telling you, for instance.

What is also suspicious to some, is the fact that the government under George Bush Jr and then Attorney General John Ashcroft started selling the act only 11 days after September 11, 2001, causing the idea that it was part of the same preparations long before any planes crashed.

To be specific about why we like Google - Homeland Security under the Patriot Act, allows the FBI to obtain records from businesses, including hospitals, bookstores and libraries, and permits federal agents to ask financial institutions whether terrorism suspects have accounts with them, all in secret and without the knowledge of the persons being investigated.
This includes all your email transcripts, all your web surfing records, and all your internet search quests! And without warrants and by the new law, your web Internet Service Providers are forbidden under penalty of law to advise you your web records have been compromised!
Literally all the search engine companies complied without a whimper ...

Except Google, who resisted the government and said they would allow no such thing without warrants and proper legalities by the government. Google's lawyers were bristling for a fight. But alas, we're not sure what ensued in this regard because it all went quiet after this initial rebeliousness.
But we are right to suspect that the same actions might have been implemented as against Microsoft to get the government's way. (see that post here)

At any rate, we wish Google continued antagony against government control of any part of the web.

Way to go Google! Happy Birthday!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Just a few thoughts

Imagine, if you can, what would have happened in Iran had the US not invaded and killed Saddam Hussein?
We all seem to agree today that there were no weapons of mass destruction as defined by Bush and Cheney. And we all know that Saddam hated terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda. And we all know he had a strong army in the Revolutionary Guards. Maybe not against American air power and might, but certainly capable to keeping Iran and Syria at bay.
As a matter of fact, when one goes back into the history of George Bush Senior's 1991 war, we see that it was the US who betrayed Saddam, not the reverse. All for the advantage of a Kuwaiti Sheik.
So what can we expect in the future of that area because of these events? Well if you carefully glean the truth out of what some of the few independent reporters like Michael Ware say, we can wonder why the US is losing control even with the huge US military presence. Aggressive and bold action by opposing forces in Baghdad is keeping foreigners pinned into their bunkers and barracks. Car bombs are no longer the weapons in the countryside, they are daily occurrances within the supposedly controlled cities.
Embedded reporters only tell you what is approved to tell you.
(by the way, up until 2008, over 47 so called independent reporters have mysteriously been killed)
So assuming a scenario where the US did NOT kill Saddam, therefore sending the country into it's present chaos, what would have happened?
I believe that Saddam would have become a staunch and serious ally to the peaceful interests in the Middle East.
Iraq was a buffer between Iran and Syria, crucial now with the unknown nuclear ambitions of Iran. With American help, (much less costly than the present situation) Saddam would have had a strong influence in the region and would likely have deterred any aggressive plans against Israel. The spark of a potential conflagration.
Instead of daily bombings in Baghdad and other towns, we would have had Iraq as a showcase for peaceful negotiations and sensibilities with a dynamic economy.
Saddam Hussein would have been been a strong and feared opponent of terrorist plans in the Middle East and how they seep into the Western democracies. A model to other countries like Pakistan that co existence with the West IS a realistic option.
One can reason that in spite of Saddam's methods of controlling his own people, and his excesses, hundreds of American and alliance soldiers would be alive today.
The war in Iraq will never be seen as futile. That part of history will never be written by those involved, but that doesn't mean the thoughts are not in the minds of millions on both sides of the equation.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Are you eating cloned beef?

They are in Britain. Apparently some beef from a slaughtered steer, which happened to be the offspring of a cloned cow got into the food chain. And someone actually ate it!
I have no idea what this means.
But isn't this what happens to people who become Spiderman? Or Stoneman or Hellboy or other Superheros. They get stung by a radioactive spider and go from there with strange powers. But the comic books only show you the good guys.
Are we gonna get Steerman? Some creepy snorting guy with steel horns and cloven hooves and bad bull breath who is pissed off because he ate cloned beef full of chemicals and stuff and became a SuperANTIhero?
How could it happen that this beef wasn't more carefully controlled?
I tend not to trust the beef industry anyway. It's too important. To them cattle people. And MacDonalds even.
The talk/scare of Mad Cow Disease has died down. I was told that there were only 3 or 6 cases in all of Canada.
If that is true how come I know two of those who died this terrible death personally? Do you believe the industry would tell us?
I think everyone is lying about it. The Canadian beef industry needs to sell in the US. And the US doesn't want to send out any more bad alarms like previously when billions was lost on spooked hamburger eaters and backyard steak BBQers.
Now we have to worry about engineered beef joining the long list of fruit and veggie Frankenfoods.
Perhaps we should gather up those Brits who ate this beef and stop them from breeding.
I am scared already.
Where's kd lang when we need her?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Grand Banks fish - Grand Banks oil

Sorry, but some people, me, think this way.
Isn't it strange that the cod fishery on the Newfoundland Grand Banks was in alarming decline and yet overfishing was still allowed for years?
Now the cod are gone and have no chance to recover. One of the world's great fisheries, just like BC wild salmon, was allowed to die.
And once those fish were gone, and before any recovery talk could get started or studied or planned, we had the Hibernia undersea oil wells getting drilled and rushed into production.

Of course this one needs a lot more retroactive investigation. Like someone putting together who was who in power in government those days and who was in power in what oil companies in those days.
And in the governments' cases, it doesn't mean who had the power to actually DO something, but one must also look at who had the power to NOT do something. Yes?

Just asking. There might have been something fishy here.
There isn't anymore.

Monday, July 26, 2010


This is a serious situation.
The American government and the military establishment have already tried to destroy the website,, and now with the revelation of thousands of documents revealed about the war in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan etc. They are suddenly offline again.

One of those documents reveals that a heat seeking missile shot down a helicopter where a Canadian was killed. It would be suspected that the missile could be American, supplied to the mujahideen in the 80s to fight the Soviets occupation. (and yes, if you've been on Mars or somewhere, the Russians got kicked out of Afghanistan just like the Americans were kicked out of Vietnam)

In a time when the rumors say that the heroin trade is bigger than ever, the Taliban have much more control than we are being told about, and independent reporters mysteriously disappear, interfering with wikileaks is a threat to freedom of expression and an attempt at total censorship and the manipulation of the truth.

As you know, all the news we get about Iraq and Afghanistan from the so called 'embedded' reporters is subject to scrutiny by the military. Embedded reporters are nothing but spokespeople for the military. It is becoming evident that many in the military do not agree with the progress of the wars and are willing to be whistleblowers about what is actually happening.

Shutting down wikileaks is a blatant suppression of free speech under the guise of security.

Friday, July 23, 2010

New iPhone

An iPhone was stolen in California from a guy.
The police caught the crook in nine minutes. Because the iPhone was equiped with a GPS system.
The owner clicked into his iPhone on a computer and tracked it! And the police were able to SEE the iPhone moving down a nearby street.
Hmm, do you wonder if ALL iPhones could have secretly installed GPS sytems on them? Does Steve Jobs owe the US Government something the same as Bill Gates did?
Will all cell phones have GPS in the future. So you never get lost? Sure, sure we believe that, maybe so you'll never get lost from surveilance.
Doesn't that require a Hmm?
Like do you need to answer this? - 'Where am I? ' I am here.
Try this instead - 'Where is he? He is there.'
THAT requires a Hmm.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Conspiracy TV

Conspiracy on TV? OMG which channel?
Slow down, not that easy. I don't want to frighten you, but it's all of them. Or at least all the channels the masses will watch.
So, looking at the TV schedule for tonight I see a new show premiering; Revenge of the Bridesmaids.
Silent pause here while dear reader tries to figure out what is conspiratorial in such an inane production. Just wait. The inanity IS the conspiracy. WTF you say?

So I went to look for more silliness. Not even thinking of the soaps every weekly morning. Or the judge shows every weakly midday. Or talk in the afternoons. Those watchers are already like waterlogged Rice Crispies. As are the Entertainment Tonight people.
So what else can you add to back up whatever tangled argument you're about to make, you ask? Starting with what IS the theory here?
The conspiracy is that conditioning you into NON thinking makes it very easy to use you for whatever purpose is the end result.
Hmm, non thinking TV. Is that a concept?

Yes. There's Two and a Half Men, the Bachelorette, Seinfeld everywhere, The Real Housewives of ... , Desperate Housewives, Wife Swap, The Week the Women Went, all those weak endless mindless sitcoms with laugh tracks, made by weak endless mindless laughers. These people laugh when they see their cereal in the morning! The Simpsons adult cartoons, 90210 'B' edition, CBC even has Little Mosque on the Prairie, making those muslims such fun folk. We all love Raymond and hate Chris in a fun and harmless way.
Why do you think these shows are out there in VacancyLand? To lull you away from reality. To keep you from thinking.

And that is true of the so called reality shows too. Full of desperate competition in the sweaty jungle, signed onto by desperate actors with ironclad security no talk agreements in their contracts, yet Craft Services with donuts just beyond the crocodile lurking in the piranha infested pond.
But it's not all pap, you say, there are great action shows on TV too. What about 24 Hours, Law and Order; SVU, Criminal Minds, CSI Miami? These shows ALWAYS get the bad guy. Sometimes the cops chase the bad guys at 100 mph right through your neighborhood and get him when he crashes. Disregarding any children on the streets of course, because that scum was doing drugs. Good guys always win. Don't worry folks, we're protecting you. You saw it. Go back to sleep.

Sports watchers are even worse. Baseball and beer. What could be more harmless? What could be more mindless? Sports guys fall for anything that keeps the game going. Look at the ratings for the LeBron James special! NBA feeds an excited soundtrack into their TV games. NFL is totally formula. Nothing else going on in the world as long as the Sunday game is on.
Let's not even talk about Sunday religion lest I bring up Jimmy Swaggart televangelist syndrome.

But this is silly, how could this conspiracy happen? Easy if the top brass knew they only had to compete against the same idiocy from the other networks. Did any TV executives attend the Bilderberg conferences?
What about the news reports? The hard core information shows. Hmm?
Investigative reporting? Why didn't anyone tell us about Enron, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers before it happened? Why are we just understanding that the Federal Reserve has nothing to do with the US Federal Government? Sorry, Edward R Murrow is dead folks, even if his awards live on. And there are some who think that Fox News should have a laugh track!
Now it's embedded reporters telling you what they are allowed to tell you and showing you what is deemed okay to show you? Embedded. Which means rules for reporting. And military controlled reporting. Did you know up until 2009 over 47 independent reporters were mysteriously killed in Iraq? Yeah, a whole nuther topic.

But there ARE thinking shows out there. I heard of one, you say.
Well here is another niggling little point I want to make; Analogue TV is also going if it isn't gone already. You get what that means? No more broadcast TV stations to send out a signal over the free airwaves, to be snatched out of the ether by a set of rabbit ears. ALL TV will be cable only!
No one can take over a TV station to tell you that Blackwater (Xe now) is coming and to run for your bunker or the hills. You only get what is in that cable system. What is programmed into that cable system. Easy to control and manipulate. Maybe already shot, recorded and edited. Ready to go on the day.
Just follow the directions and we'll look after you folks. Go back to sleep.

So you're reading this on the internet. Yes. The last bastion of freedom, the last realm of the free minds, that 'they' want to control. Just keep one eye on the dark movement in the background if you can. The net is the next target. Control and the manipulation of what reaches your modem.

Laughing at me by now? Looking for my tin hat? Go ahead, I'll go on thinking radical. You go ahead, eat your soggy cereal and audition for that job as a laugh track laugher person.
So what's on TV tonight?
Oh good.

Go back to sleep. it's alright.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Interesting Apollo 11 launch video

Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch (HD) Camera E-8 from Mark Gray on Vimeo.

This was the actual launch to the historic moon landing!

You can scrutinize the pictures at the destination to decide if it is in a studio or not. There are probably millions of them by now and who knows what is doctored and what is not? Although one would wonder if the USA would go through all this preparation to fake a moon landing for the Russians.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wiki Leaks

In case you don't know about it already, you'll find some interesting reading here.
The Shadow powers are already trying to shut it down.

Bookmark it.

Monday, May 24, 2010

facebook paranoia - again

Is it me or is facebook actually a CIA site?
Is facebook simply a website built by some Bilderberg Group shadow government working within the stealthy labyrinth of the CIA to cross-reference everyone everywhere so that they can keep track of you and know who is dangerous to the Grand Plan?
Doesn't anyone else notice the subtleties of the facebook sign up?

You start with your email address. Okay, everyone does that, but the next is DOB, Date of Birth, always the standard for police identification. Then you go through all these Steps.
Step 2 asks your high school, what years, then college, and your EMPLOYER!
Step 3 wants a photo of you! Nice, feeds right into the face recognition software. Remember during the Atlanta Olympic Games where every single person who went into the stadium was ID'd by a computer that read faces?
Step 4 asks your interests. This one is sneaky. They show picture icons and you pick out several items and compile them. Sort of like those IQ tests a job interview gives you, where they make deductions about your personality based on your choices.

They want your team favorites first. Innocent enough. Hockey teams etc. And whether you like lots of the celebrities shown too and watch their TV shows. You pick out a picture and add it to your interests. Among all these Hollywood types they sneak Barak Obama in there. Hmmm? No Dick Cheney or John McCain. Obama MUST trigger something. You can pick Snoop Dogg too. Does that mean you are disillusioned and listening to rap laments about society? And Bob Marley! What does THAT tell them about you, you old pothead! A sixties rebel? Ah, Canada Remembers, would be a good one, shows you like war, and our soldiers I think. Playboy, oh no, sex addiction?
The government shrinks will pour over your picks and deduce all kinds of things. Maybe conclude you are a threat. Or at the very least, deem your attributes not worthy of a perfect future world. Bad genes.

You can activate your mobile phone too. Wow, nice to give them more info. Did you know that modern mobiles have a GPS system built in? To communicate with the satellite of course. Coincidentally pinpointing exactly where you are standing at the moment! And then you can find people you know. Doesn't matter to them if you actually find them or not, it is the SEARCH that counts. You are giving them names! You know these people. They know you. Perfect cross-referencing.

facebook talks about your privacy too. Reassuring you. Telling you about how you can make yourself private. But that is from your 'friends', NOT the site webmasters! It's like those spam emails you get and they give you an email address to take yourself off their lists! And all you are really doing is confirming to them that they have an active email addy. Now you are worth more when they sell you!

And your profile on facebook. There's a system; City where you live. City you were born in. Interests again. Political views! Wait! Yes really. Religious views. OMG. Do you believe in Jesus or Allah or the Great Pumpkin? More relationships. Family members with pictures! Really. Your present employer and what you do there! It becomes a resume too! Your activities. And phone numbers of course.

So there you are, signed up and laid bare. Viewable by whomever. Stripped of your skin. You cranium pealed back. Imagine your head is now transparent! All the synapses snap crackling and popping with ideas. Is facebook a resource for the CIA? For someone else? And the fact that the shadow people chuckle about, is that YOU did it yourself!

Wait, here's one more. There was this game there you could play. Looked simple enough, called Bubble Popp!
Only an entertainment. Right?
So I clicked it. I got this message : This game needs your profile information, photos, your friend's profile information that it REQUIRES to work!

Think of this; if the whole idea was to cut the world population from 6 billion to a workable 500 million. (as has been expressed in several realms as part of the New World Order) Would they just grab bunches of folks from everywhere? Or would they choose carefully to get what someone has decided are good traits for the future controlled population of Earth? The technology is there to do just that.
And add this to your secreted mental picture: everything you just gave them become the property of facebook! You can never delete it!

So does our hope for a future free world society rest on the Minutemen? Or those guys who have underground bunkers on their farms? The crazy people stocking up on ammo? On the society drop-outs? The beggars on the boulevard?

Oh don't mind me, I am just suspicious and paranoid by nature. But who is that guy in the dark hat over there in the shadow beneath the street lamp?
Meanwhile give that bum a dollar, he's going to need it someday to fight the good fight and save the world.

Is facebook a CIA plot to cross reference everyone everywhere? Paranoia or perfect hit?
You decide. Meanwhile just fill out this form ...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Conspiracy theory 3 ... Microsoft

Do you remember a few years ago the US Government threatened Microsoft under antitrust laws?
Funny how that interest sort of faded. But only for a while. Like they were regrouping somewhere in the cellars of the Pentagon or the NSA or the White House. Down there in the dark among the lizards.
Then the Government came charging back with a fury and threatened to dismantle Microsoft into three separate companies. They feared Microsoft had way too much power because of their monopolistic position in the computer market? That is bad, they said.

But wait, someone might have exclaimed, wouldn't a monopoly be a GOOD thing if a government could use it to control people and identify where they were and what they were saying and doing and thinking? And the road was headed to everyone owning a computer? And wouldn’t those puters most likely have the Windows Operating System? Isn't Windows on 98% of all computers with XP, Vista or now Windows 7 OS?

Have you noticed that when you go to a website, and then delete or clear all your cookies, and then go back to that website some time later, they seem to know who you are?

Didn't Microsoft put a unique number into your operating system under the hype that it was a good thing to control piracy of their software? Then under waves of protest from the public they said they wouldn't TURN ON that unique identifying number? Or at least YOU could turn it off? And doesn't your hard drive have a unique number too? Did you know that even your CD burner imprints a unique number onto every CD you burn identifying the actual burner? And your digital camera does the same thing. Even if you steal it from the web, someone can find out who TOOK that picture. And when and where?

Didn't the FBI come out with a sneaky computer spy system called Carnivore a few years ago, that could read the contents of any computer it wanted through your server? Then they changed the name because it seemed too ominous and scary and 1984ish? Funny how the past can scare us.
Carnivore could see every single email you sent to whomever and every word you typed into your hard drive or internet browser? Mostly Microsoft’s Internet Explorer of course.
Including every password and user name you ever used in a chat room or discussion forum? And didn't all this happen at about the same time as Microsoft introduced Windows XP? And didn't the US hold these server companies hostage by threatening to shut them down unless they installed Carnivore into their systems without telling anyone? Without telling their customers? You.
Sorry for all these rhetorical questions, but ….

Doesn't Homeland Security and the Patriot Act give the government pitbulls the power to do anything they want without telling anyone about what they are doing? To fight terrorism they say? Hmm.
Isn't Microsoft starting to add things now to updates of its software without making it clear to technical people exactly what those updates are or what they are supposed to do? In Windows Media player some technicians have compared the guts of Media Player 9.0 with Media Player 10.0 and can't find the differences? So why the update?

Would the US government and Bill Gates have made a secret deal somewhere in the shadowy bowels of the Pentagon with all those Gila Monsters to allow Microsoft to continue as one company, so long as the Justice department had access to the Windows Operating System? Wouldn’t proud papa Bill Gates have done anything to avoid the Sophie’s choice decision about his company? His precious family. His birth child.

After all, we all know that starting a company becomes your googly baby, your loving family and you nurture it along the way until it becomes something to be proud of like your son growing up to be famous? And wouldn’t any worried parent have done what he had to do to keep it all together? Bill Gates being no exception?
I don't know ... wouldn’t he?

Er ... would the US government be that sneaky as to threaten Bill Gates into a deal that allowed them to monitor the masses through the most used computer system in the world? Oops, sorry for yet another rhetorical question, but I was there in the sixties.
I have not lost faith. I still believe in the sneakiness of certain humans who want their way. And I understand the vulnerability of parents who fear for their children. And I still know that stealthy power-mongering forces attempt to run the world from the dark side.

They say that when a venomous Gila Monster bites you, he doesn’t let go until sunset. I may even start believing in reptilian shape-shifters.

As the poetic prophet Bob Dylan once said, ‘It ain’t dark yet, but it’s gettin’ there.’