So the State Department is going to release Hilary Rodham Clinton's emails in January of NEXT year. They are going to release the emails left over from the critical ones she already deleted? What are they doing, rewriting them? There are 55 THOUSAND pages!
The same State Department that doesn't see the ethics problem with a high government official using private servers and mixing personal email with United States of America business? A person traveling everywhere in the world bringing American policy to so many countries? Was there any oversight at all on this? One would think the CIA, FBI the Secret Service, the Post Office and anyone else charged with protecting the American public would be all over someone in government hiding emails from scrutiny.
Wouldn't that be the perfect formula for someone within the government to plan a coup d'tat of your own government? Get up to whatever hanky-panky you like without your own security people knowing about any of it. Dangerous precedent.
But did Bush and Cheney set the precedent already by placing themselves above the law of the land?
But did Bush and Cheney set the precedent already by placing themselves above the law of the land?
Didn't someone somewhere twig to this deception? Didn't someone say, "Hilary, this is not a private corporation, you cannot hide communications, you are doing the people's work. This has to go on record somewhere. Everything you do, write or send has to be vetted by someone."
Didn't someone say to President Obama, "We have no knowledge of what she is doing?"
Didn't one single Senator, at least in the opposition Republican party ask why they had no information on Hilary's goings on? Didn't one single CIA or FBI officer say it was unacceptable to bypass the security of government controls? Especially with the furor over Benghazi on her watch where an American Ambassador was killed! Didn't someone say to President Obama, "We have no knowledge of what she is doing?"
How did the USA get so far away from the management of it's own officials? Was it George HW Bush, when he was Director of the CIA, who established separate cells within the CIA to begin a shadow government?
Did they carefully build it under HW's presidency and continued until George W Bush stole the election from Al Gore and with Dick Cheney as the implementer and watchdog put more pieces together until the American people were so befuddled with terrorists under every bed that they ignored the phoney wars and the stealthy coup taking place right before their eyes?
What is happening to what used to be the standard of democracy around the world? Where we now have corporations in charge of the government? Where laws are now being usurped by trade deals and sovereignty is dwindling with the water supply. And the militarized police are now the military charged with keeping the piece while fomenting unrest themselves with hot war tactics?
Homeland Security and the Patriot Act has started it's intended purpose, to subjugate the people of America into a basic slavery? The liberty and freedoms are going fast, while people stare at you with disbelief when you tell them. They don't want to face it. No one asks where the money comes from for the new massive HQ of the NSA in Utah. Or even what is it's purpose? Surely they have enough metadata now to keep analysts busy for decades.
It is the nature of Americans to be trustworthy, loyal, hard working and honest. They simply cannot believe the track their own elected people are speeding down. There is just too much fifties style memories flooding through their minds when the world was right and proper.
So we have Hilary running for the top job. And so many Americans keep the faith, in spite of the mounting evidence of unethical conduct. She doesn't come off a wonderful record in the State Department, she is trying to emerge through allegations of wrong doing, secret email accounts, distrust, and lies about her record in office. The fact is no one knows what she did there. And a mounting army of disbelievers are questioning her purpose, including a house committee on Banghazi. As President of the United States where would Hilary Clinton take the country?
50 years ago President Dwight Eisenhour warned against 'unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.' That phrase entered the political lexicon, signifying the notion that a permanent ruling class, encompassing the Pentagon and its corporate suppliers, was on the verge of controlling the American government, even in peacetime.
The problems of course, is that the preferred political plan in these times, is just keep smiling and never answer any questions.
And it may work, many elected politicians have no idea where Bengazi is. Or Baghdad, or hundreds of other world centers, because those places simply don't matter to them. Getting re-elected is paramount. And many more believe that no matter what party takes power in the White House, the direction of America will not change.
It has come true folks, your elected officials and the wannabes chasing them have with impunity undermined the integrity of the Unites States. And no one had the courage to say to Hilary, "You cannot do business on behalf of America in secrecy."
If Hilary's political ambitions are not finished now, one could expect that in January they will be. Maybe. There might be much more to come, even if Hilary utters no words in her defense.
But that's a long way ahead. Lots of time to fix those emails, start a few more wars and invent a few more bogeymen to distract the people.
Besides, America doesn't really need the people's votes anymore, that shadow government, that permanent ruling class, can elect anyone they want, the people are just there to make it look real.
Whoever is elected will do just as they are told, like all the recent presidents in either party. It is now the American way. The Powers That Be need only to suppress the few remaining free voices.
Hilary Rodham Clinton's credibility problem notwithstanding, she could end up presiding over the dismantling of America.
Without a protest.
Vote early and often.